Dynamic decentralized task allocation algorithms for multi-agent systems using auctions
This script implements the hybrid of PSO and GWO optimization algorithm.
This project is the implementation of the research paper titled "Dynamic Request Scheduling Optimization in Mobile Edge Computing for IoT Applications"
source code of the paper "Computation offloading in UAV-enabled Edge Computing: A Stackelberg Game Approach" published in SENSORS
Simulation code of our paper in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: ''Joint Transmission and Resource Optimization in NOMA-assisted IoVT with Mobile Edge Computing"
MATLAB code for the simulation of our paper entitled "Energy-Efficient Task Offloading Under E2E Latency Constraints"
Mobile edge computing networks based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A Dynamic Programming Offloading Algorithm for Mobile Cloud Computing
Federated Learning for Energy-balanced Client Selection in Mobile Edge Computing
source code of the paper "Anti-jamming Channel Allocation in UAV-enabled Edge Computing: A Stackelberg Game Approach" published in MSN 2022
MEC computation offloading via MCTS
Code for the paper "Age of Information Analysis in Edge Computing Servers"
Adaptive Decoding Mechanisms for UAV-enabled Double-Uplink Coordinated NOMA, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Mar. 2023
Joint routing and computation scheduling in collaborative edge computing for heterogeneous network with arbitrary topology
Novel Vehicular Edge and Fog enabled Computation offloading framework
PTAS-TAHRC,Heterogeneous Task Allocation Optimization Toolkit for Mobile Edge Computing;异构移动边缘计算任务分配优化工具以车辆为主题实现。matlab
This is the MATLAB based simulation of optimized Vehicular Fog Computing framework that minimizes the latency during the computatin tasks offloading in the whole VFC based scenario...
OCEAN-HL / Dynamic-Request-Scheduling-Optimization-in-Mobile-Edge-Computing-for-IoT-Applications
Forked from hd818/Dynamic-Request-Scheduling-Optimization-in-Mobile-Edge-Computing-for-IoT-ApplicationsThis project is the implementation of the research paper titled "Dynamic Request Scheduling Optimization in Mobile Edge Computing for IoT Applications"
The simulation code for iot service sharing.
982543386 / Task-Offloading-and-Resource-Allocation-for-Multi-Server-Mobile-Edge-Computing-Networks
Forked from Cyclotron2333/Task-Offloading-and-Resource-Allocation-for-Multi-Server-Mobile-Edge-Computing-Netw...Edge Computing Based Autonomous Robot for Secured Industrial IoT
Dynamic decentralized task allocation algorithms for multi-agent systems using auctions and machine learning
Startleback / NOMA-MEC-IoVT
Forked from qlt315/NOMA-MEC-IoVTSimulation code of our paper ''Joint Transmission and Resource Optimization in NOMA-assisted IoVT with Mobile Edge Computing"