Code for WWW 2024 paper "How Few Davids Improve One Goliath: Federated Learning in Resource-Skewed Edge Computing Environments"
Source code for the paper "Joint Class-Balanced Client Selection and Bandwidth Allocation for Cost-Efficient Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing Networks".
This item is code for the paper "Dynamic pricing algorithm for edge computing task offloading based on Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit".
An edge federated learning architecture to optimize task allocation and execution. In proposed model uses an intelligent broker within the federation to assess member edge cloudlets' parameters, su…
Dynamic Pricing based on Three Reinforcement Learning Models for CCEAI-2024
Using GitHub Action to collect paper list with publicly available source code in the daily arxiv
Volunteer Edge Computing Resource Allocation using A3C
Auction app that allows users to create auctions and bid on them
A prototype application to demonstrate the effectiveness of a double auction based MAS for scarce cloud computing resource allocation
Event-based Simulator for Cloud Resource Allocation
Simulation code for the paper "Resource Allocation in V2X Networks: From Classical Optimization to Machine Learning-based Solutions"
This program uses marl algorithm to achieve resource allocation
Source code for "Congestion-aware Distributed Task Offloading in Wireless Multi-hop Networks Using Graph Neural Networks"
Novel Vehicular Edge and Fog enabled Computation offloading framework
Adaptive Decoding Mechanisms for UAV-enabled Double-Uplink Coordinated NOMA, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Mar. 2023
神领物流 黑马 物流项目 神领物流系统类似顺丰速运,是向C端用户提供快递服务的系统。竞品有:顺丰、中通、圆通、京东快递等。 项目产品主要有4端产品: - 用户端:基于微信小程序开发,外部客户使用,可以寄件、查询物流信息等。 - 快递员端:基于安卓开发的手机APP,公司内部的快递员使用,可以接收取派件任务等。 - 司机端:基于安卓开发的手机APP,公司内部的司机使用,可以接收运输任务、上报位置…
Price Self-Balance Auction Mechanism实验代码及数据集
PTAS-TAHRC,Heterogeneous Task Allocation Optimization Toolkit for Mobile Edge Computing;异构移动边缘计算任务分配优化工具以车辆为主题实现。matlab
QECO: A QoE-Oriented Computation Offloading Algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Edge Computing
A python-based periodic double auction simulator with various bidding strategies
The source code of algorithms in paper "Computation Rate Maximization for Wireless Powered Edge Computing With Multi-User Cooperation"