Ride For Life serves mothers in Uganda to improve maternal and child survival. One of the biggest obstacles women face while pregnant is getting to a health facility to safely deliver. Most people do not own a car or a motorcycle, and a majority live greater than 5 km from a health center (an hour by foot). Ride For Life provides a solution by quickly dispatching motorcycle ambulances to women in need of urgent medical care. By quickly providing transportation to qualified medical care, Ride For Life hopes to address issues of mortality and pregnancy complications in Uganda.
- ReactJS
- React Router
- Component styles by ReactStrap
- axios
- Formik
- Yup
- redux
- react-redux
- redux-thunk
- redux-logger
- reactstrap/bootstrap
- Netlify
- Marketing Site
- React App
- Ride For Life Back-End API
- Marketing Page
- App Sign-Up Pages
- Back-End
npm install
or yarn install
npm start
or yarn start
2 weeks (30 hrs work time total)