A tool that can combine fofa and xray for automatic batch scanning.
Coding by golang, both for windows and linux.
Use fofa api to get target domain list, then make webscan by xray.
fofa: email: {fofa账户} key: {fofaKey} # 固定查询语句 fixedQuerySyntexList: - status_code=200 - country="CN" # 查询语法 # 更多查询语法见https://fofa.so/ querySyntax: host # 使用querySyntax查询语法分别查询target targetList: - .hubu.edu.cn # - .hbue.edu.cn # - .wust.edu.cn xray: #path没有用,必须把xray可执行文件放在脚本同一目录 path: D:\CyberSecurityTools\xray_windows_amd64\xray_windows_amd64.exe #fofa2Xray相同目录下xray的全名 name: xray_windows_amd64.exe #同时运行xray的最大数 thread: 10
./fofa2Xray nohup ./fofa2Xray & // 持久化
Fofa2Xray will create result folder for every target.