This web application allows to calculate a round trip visiting locations of (german) Wikipedia articles.
For detailed information you are welcome to read my PAPER.
This project uses OpenStreetMap data for calculation and Leaflet for visualization. For this project the Spring Boot framework is used.
For the application to work, a graph file is needed.
You can download the latest .pbf files containing map data here:
Run the file with this .pbf files to generate the needed graph data.
(Warning: probably a lot of RAM is needed for parsing, depending on the size of the region)
Put the generated files in a 'resources' folder at the projects root level.
Now you can start the app using this command:
java -jar -Xmx10G wiki-trip.jar
(Note1: This may take some minutes)
(Note2: The amount of RAM needed depends on the size of the graph file. At least 8 gigabytes are recommended for the germany graph.)
After it finished loading, you should be able to access the app under http://localhost:8080/ using your favorite browser.