A curated list of ExtJS resources.
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- Official resources
- Blogs
- Tutorials, examples
- Extensions, components
- Open sources projects using ExtJS
- Commercial Software using ExtJS
- ExtJS service providers
- Books
- Communities
- Sencha ExtJS docs - Official documentation of last version.
- Sencha Resource Center - Examples, Vídeos, Webinars, Datasheets and Whitepapers.
- Sencha blog - Official Sencha blog for ExtJS posts.
- Sencha examples on GitHub - Examples on GitHub, different from examples in official docs.
- Sencha Webinars - (free) Official webinars from Sencha on many ExtJS related topics.
- ExtReact - ExtJS components for React.
- Link to CE Edition - A link to the form to fill to obtain the CE edition.
- Link to GPL Version - A link to signup page to obtain the GPL version.
- Npm Access - Link to NPM Sencha packages (NPM access is available through login).
- Blog of Walking Tree - Blog of WalkingTree, a service provider for ExtJS.
- Blog of Steve Drucker - Some articles about ExtJS.
- Alex'blog - A few articles about ExtJS.
- Blog of Vladimir Popa - A blog with some good articles about ExtJS.
- Anton Fisher's notes - Blog by a JavaScript developer (ExtJS, Node.js, bash).
- Blog of Modus Create - Blog of Modus Create, a former Service Provider for Sencha, with some interesting articles on ExtJS.
- Reanimatter - Articles on ExtJS.
- existdissolve.com - A blog with a few articles about ExtJS.
- Jorge Ramon - Some useful tutorials for ExtJS 5 and 6.
- Blog of Stuart Ashworth
- Enovision
- Peter Keller.net
- ExtJS articles on codeproject.com - Articles on ExtJS.
- Bryntum blog - Blog of Bryntum.com, a company which provides several advanced components for ExtJS.
- Wemerson Januario's blog - Blog by a JavaScript developer (ExtJS, Laravel).
- Sencha Adventures - A collection of resources to learn Sencha frameworks by @loiane.
- What is ExtJS - A blog with some interesting ExtJS examples and code snippets.
- Coding Ideas - A blog with articles about several frameworks and some nice articles about ExtJS.
- Learn From Saki - Site of an ExtJS developer and author of several extensions.
- ext4all - Exjs code snippets.
- skirtlesden - Old (2014) but very good articles about ExtJS.
- senchatutorials - Step-by-step tutorials for Sencha ExtJS 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and Sencha Touch 2.x. loiane.training - ExtJS4 training (and beyond) - Portuguese only.
- Node.js Ext Direct - A Node.js implementation of Ext Direct protocol.
- ExtDirect connector for Java - Implementation of the Ext Direct protocol with Java and Spring.
- Ext Direct ASP.NET - Ext Direct protocol for ASP.NET.
- Ext Direct PHP - Ext Direct protocol for PHP.
- extjs-carto - Components to interact with Carto map tools.
- Ext.ux.ColorPicker - A beautiful colorpicker.
- Ext.ux.grid.Printer - An ExtJS 5/6/7 Component to print grid content.
- Exportable grid - Wrapper over ExtJS's grid to make grid exportable to xslx format.
- ExtJS-Grid-PDF-Exporter - Sample application to export grid content in pdf.
- DateSlider component for Sencha ExtJS - A nice date slider.
- Ace editor integration - An exemple of integration in ExtJS of ACE code editor.
- Filebrowser component - A useful filebrowser component.
- Pdf viewer panel - A pdf viewer panel.
- Grid autosize column - A component to autosize grid columns.
- Nvd3 bindings - NVD3.js Bindings as Sencha ExtJS Package.
- Chartsly - Stock Charts package based on Sencha ExtJS & Touch.
- Ext JS MVVM extensions - Extensions for custom components with a ViewModel.
- Bryntum Gantt - Gantt chart component for ExtJS.
- Bryntum Scheduler - Scheduler component for ExtJS.
- Bryntum Calendar - Calendar component for ExtJS.
- Bryntum TaskBoard - Taskboard component for ExtJS.
- Ext.ux.button.DateRangePicker - Component for selecting date range in ExtJS.
- Ext.ux.slider.Multi.Tips - Override for the ExtJS multislider component to show persistent tips over the thumbs.
- ActionColumnRowEditing - A plugin based on Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing changing the default floating buttons to an action column.
- ActivityMonitor - A class to track user activity.
- DateTimePicker - An useful widget to pick date and time.
- Mz Solutions Grid plugins - Professional plugins for ExtJS grid.
- Sencha Test - (commercial) Sencha Official tool for testing ExtJS Apps.
- Bryntum Siesta - (commercial/free) JavaScript based UI testing tool with direct ExtJS support.
- karma-extjs - A tool to use karma to run unit tests on ExtJS applications.
- ExtJS-Wheather-Icons - ExtJS package to use Weather icons.
- ExtJS-Material-Icons - Allow use of Material Design Iconic Font Icons in an ExtJS project. (Google icons + extended community icons).
- modern-locale - A locale package for ExtJS modern toolkit.
- Connector to Angular2
- Ext Reactor - Official Sencha integration with React.
- GeoExt - A JavaScript framework that combines the GIS functionality of OpenLayers with all features of the ExtJS library.
- Jahia - Comprehensive and integrated open-source Java Digital Experience Platform.
- DVelum - Professional PHP/ExtJS-based web development platform.
- Rambox - Free and Open Source messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.
- Lino - A web application framework using Django and ExtJS.
- Koala - Framework and CMS based on Zend Framework and ExtJS.
- Arbela - Rich, Extensible, Customizable, and Configurable IoT-ready Dashboard.
- Slate - An open-source foundation for schools.
- Kitto2 - A tool to build web interfaces with ExtJS 6 and Delphi.
- Proxmox VE - An open-source server virtualization environment.
- Kopano - Open source collaboration tools.
Desktop apps built with Electron and ExtJS
- SwarmOnline
- Jnesis - Sencha Select Partner for France.
- Mastering Ext JS 2nd Edition
- Ext JS Application Development Blueprints
- Sencha Charts Essentials
- Ext JS Essentials
- Ext JS 6: Getting Started
- Ext JS 4 Web Application Development Cookbook
- Sencha Talk - A free Slack team for Sencha discussion.
- Sencha Brazil Slack Team - A free Slack team for Sencha discussion in Portuguese/Brazilian.
- ExtJS Brazil Forum - A Brazilian Sencha ExtJS forum.