Flarepoint is a customer relationship management system (CRM) whose purpose is to help you keep track of your customers, contacts, leads, tasks etc. Flarepoint is a free, open-source and self-hosted platform based on Laravel 5.4 PHP Framework and PHP 7.0+.
I would like to refer to the wiki, for help on getting started
- Tasks management
- Leads management
- Simple invoice management
- Easy & simple time management for each task
- Role management (Create and update your own roles)
- Easy configurable settings
- Client overview (Keep easy track of open tasks for each client etc)
- Contacts management (associated with a Client)
- Upload documents to each clients (easy track of contracts and more)
- Fast overview over your own open tasks, leads etc
- Global dashboard
Flarepoint is still under development, so there are a lot on my to-do list.
- Multiple integrations (Slack, e-conomic, Google Drive, dropbox etc.)
- Different Color schemes
- Excel Import/export
- Better cache
- Even easier installation
And much more (in no particular order)
Flarepoint CRM follows PSR-2 + Symfony coding standard.
All test should pass on Travis, or the failed test should be rewritten to fit new changes
Translation... You can help translating Flarepoint-crm into other languages, by copying the resources/lang/en folder into for example resources/lang/de and translate the files, found inside the folder.
The packages used are the following...
Flarepoint is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license