this is swift base IOS Application,this is simple question answer game Trivia, first screen asked you to put your name and or check records of previous Users. in classic mode you can choose Setting for the game like Level of game, Question categories , and type of questions either multiple or tru/false.
basic requirements of the given task are done due to busy weekend i try my best to write clean the code but may find some blunder or improvements.
i use cocoapods of following
- SwiftyJSON. for json parsing because i think this is reliable for me
- Alamofire. for Calling the Apis to fetch Question and Answers from server
- Toast-Swift. Show Toast on screen
- SVProgressHUD. show loader for calling api and waiting time
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift. handle the keyboard stuff.
- SwiftMessages. show the message or banner to users
i did see any bug or crash but there are a no of improvement that may be under working in future as i said i was busy so i did spend time on this.
colour scheme and text on the app should be improved and before starting the game there should be rules and regulation that user must know, a popup with this type of stuff, i have design but not showing due to time and content that have to show
this project should be build on Xcode
clone the code on your mac. and install the pod files (initially i put all cocoapods without put in ignore file)
- pod 'SwiftyJSON'
- pod 'Alamofire'
- pod 'Toast-Swift'
- pod 'SVProgressHUD'
- pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'
- pod 'SwiftMessages'
install the cocoapods and add you provisioning profile and attach you mobile and run your application
Suleman Ali - [email protected] ,
Project Link: