A solver for the single source capacitated facility location problem.
The solver uses the cut-and-solve framework in order to solve the single source capacitated facility location problem. From version 1.2.0 we have introduced a dual ascent algorithm for solving the sparse problems.
Please see the reference manual for more information.
The instances we have tested the algorithm on are all publichly available.
57 instances from J.A. Diaz and E. Fernandez' paper entitled "A branch-and-price algorithm for the single source capacitated plant location problem" in Journal of the Operational Research Society 53, 2002, pp. 728-740 are all available at http://www-eio.upc.es/~elena/sscplp/index.html
71 instances from K. Holmberg, M. Rönnqvist and D. Yuan's paper "An Exact Algorithm for the Capacitated Facility Location Problems with Single Sourcing" in European Journal of Operational Research 113, 1999, pp. 544-559 are all publicly available at http://www.kajh.se/vineopt/problemdata/cloc/index.html
20 instances from Z. Yang, F. Chu, and H. Chen. "A cut-and-solve based algorithm for the single-source capacitated facility location problem." European Journal of Operational Research 221.3, 2012, pp. 521-532 is available at this repository.
45 instances used in this work are all available in the .zip folder named All_instances_for_Imp_CnS.zip available at this repository.