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Course Website for MIPS Spring 2020 at Fudan University [course website]

Coursework Guidelines

  • Both verilog and system verilog are recommended, and if you have any problems about them, please search in proper websites (e.g. stack overflow) first.
  • The first three assignments must be checked as scheduled in our syllabus, and each report can be delayed no more than a week. For the fourth assignment, you will not be required to finish it, but we will grade on your accomplishments.
  • You'd better form a team as soon as possible, since assignment-3 and assignment-4 are designed as team project (to be discussed).
  • Both English and Chinese are acceptable, and there will be no difference in terms of scores as long as you can make yourself clear with your report.
  • Write clearly and succinctly. Highlight your answer and key result that is asked in the coursework requirements by Bold font. You should take your own risk if you intentionally or unintentionally make the marking un-straightforward.
  • Bonus mark (no more than 20%) will be considered if you make more in-depth exploration or further development that could in turn inspire the coursework to be a better one and show your understanding of the course material, this should only be the case given that you have already met the requirements.
  • Please use the issue system to ask questions about the coursework and course or discuss about the course content, use proper tags whenever possible, (e.g. Arch/assignment-1). In this case any questions answered by the instructor, TAs or others, and discussions will also be visible to other students.
  • If you find any mistakes in the coursework or the course website itself (e.g. typos) you are encouraged to correct it with a pull request, however, don't mix this kind of changes with your coursework submission pull request as stated in the following section.
  • For any feedback, please consider emailing the TAs first.

Checker Configuration

For the first three assignments, you need pass all the tests before submitting, and we will again check if you've passed them.

Take assignment-1 as an example, its benchtests are all included in assignment-1/benchtest, which is structured like this

├── benchtest/
|   ├── run_simulation.tcl
│   ├──
│   ├── .... (other benchtests)
│   └── factorial
|	|	├── factorial.ans
|	|	├──
|	|	├── factorial.mem
|	|	├── factorial.out
|	|	├──
|	|	└── factorial.txt

You need to create a vivado project first, and suppose its name is project_1, then include the benchtest/ directory and makefile in project_1/, and add benchtest/ as a simulation source file without copying sources into project (and then set it as top). Please change the value of PATH_PREFIX in the 1st line of to the absolute path to this project, for example /home/sunflower/Downloads/project_1/. To grade your work automatically, we've made some changes to your and began to take relative path, so there's no need to change the value of PATH_PREFIX in the 1st line of any more.

Each directory (e.g. factorial/) represents a test, which includes 6 files, and you can look into *.out which includes mips instructions and its corresponding machine code. If you want to commit some tests to us, you need comment out additional tests before committing in

If you successfully passed a test, you can get outputs like

[OK] factorial
[OK] ...

Otherwise you may get outputs like FAILURE: Testbench Failed to finish before ddl! or [Error] PC: 0x0000001e Cycle: 5 Expected: balabala, Got: labalaba, when you encounters the second situation in GUI, CPU is now stopped, and you can look into the wave plot to find what's wrong.

On linux, if you want to run the simulation test in command line, you can configure the makefile:

  • VIVADO_PATH is the absolute path to your vivado executable file, eg. /usr/local/Xilinx/Vivado/20xx.x/bin/vivado.
  • PROJECT_DIR default is ., you can leave it alone.
  • PROJECT_NAME is the name of your vivado project which should correspond to *.xpr.
  • SIM is the name of the simulation set you want to run (default is sim_1).
  • You need to restore the configuration before committing, since we'll just use makefile in your directory to run vivado automatically.

After proper configuration, you can use make test or simple make to run the simulation test.


For each assignment, the score is made up of

  • Passing all the benchtests (40%).
  • Report and interview (40%).
  • On-board test (20%).


This course website mainly refers to PRML-Spring19-Fudan.

For textbook, you can refer to

  • Digital Design and Computer Architecture (2nd)


Course Website for ICS Spring 2020 at Fudan University






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