All these tools are DOS executables and are intended to be run through DOSBox, unless otherwise noted.
Tool made by Argonaut Software
Star Fox Palette packer/graphics cruncher. No longer used in this repo.
sf_crunch is faster and saves more bytes compared to PACKER.
Tool made by Argonaut Software
Texture interleaving tool. No longer used in this repo. It is recommended you use cgx2fx instead.
To use:
merge.exe [infile1] [infile2] [outfile] /cgx
Tool made by Phonymike
Windows/Linux executable
Converts the provided FACE.png image into a scrambled FACE.CGX file.
uses BLUE.COL as its palette. a blue.col.png file is provided to use while editing.
To use:
Run make_FACE.bat
(Windows) or make_FACE.bat
Tool made by Phonymike
Windows executable
Converts a BMP image to a matching .fon file.
To use:
Drag the BMP file onto foxfont.exe, or:
foxfont.exe [filename]
(no brackets)
Outputs [filename].fon
Tool made by Sunlit
Windows/Linux executables/batch/bash script
Converts a 256x1024px PNG to a 512x512px background for use with the game.
(can also be used with 256x256px PNGs to make single-screen BGs.)
Run convert.bat
(Windows) or
(Linux) and follow the instructions on-screen.
Outputs a CGX tileset, SCR tilemap, and COL and PAL format palettes, and optionally, CCR and PCR compressed tiles and tilemap for versions of ultrastarfox below 2.0.
Windows executable
Texture deinterleaving tool. Based on fx.cpp from Star Fox 2 Font Tools by Matthew Callis, modified by Sega Mega Drive.
To use:
unmerge extract [bin/dat file] [file1] [file2]
(no brackets, obviously)
Outputs 2 files in MSX 4BPP format.
This tool is now obsolete, it is recommended that you use cgx2fx and fx2cgx for interleaving and deinterleaving texture files.
Tool made by Sega Mega Drive
DOS/Windows executables
interleaves two 4BPP CGX files into one FXGfx file.
Usage: cgx2fx <input_cgx1> <input_cgx2> <output_bin>
deinterleaves a FXGfx file back into two 4BPP CGX files.
Usage: fx2cgx <input_bin>
Tool made by Argonaut Software
Tool that can convert Videoscape 3DG1 models to Star Fox ASM BSP format.
Tool made by Sunlit rewritten in C and compiled for MS-DOS, with improvements.
Usage: EXTEND.EXE [rom] [padded size in mbits] [pad byte]
Pads/extends ROM image to the desired size in Mbits padded with the chosen pad byte.
The original Python version can be found in the old/
directory if you still need it.
Superfamicheck, Tool made by Optiroc on GitHub
Super NES checksum tool, compiled for MS-DOS. The old 64-bit Windows version that was used in this repo previously is in old\ if you need it.
Tool made by Everything on RHDN
Windows/DOS executables
sf_crunch is used to compress .CGX and .SCR files into .CCR (crunched cgx) and .PCR (crunched scr) files.
sf_decrunch is used to decompress .CCR and .PCR files into .CGX and .SCR files.
The prebuilt versions included here are command line utilities for Windows, the c++ source files are on RHDN (link below)
CRU.EXE and DECRU.EXE are versions prebuilt for MS-DOS.
sf_crunch + decrunch RHDN page
Tool made by Sunlit
A custom tool written for the palette packing process.
Takes a col file and a start and end offset parameter.
The start and end offsets are multiplied by 32.
To use:
inccol [.col file] [start offset] [end offset]
Output is written to col.tmp
Tool made by Sunlit
Windows/DOS executables
Tool that can convert to/from PAL/COL/SCL palettes.
To use:
Usage: pc.exe [input_file] [output_file] [conversion type]
Types: col2scl
Tool made by Sunlit
Tool to decode Argonaut .MAP linker address map files into a usable symbol listing.
To use:
Usage: mapdec.exe [.MAP file] [output file]