Star Fox / Starwing source code, modified for ease-of-use and ROMHacking.
- Uses GSU-2/Super FX 2 @21.4Mhz instead of MC1 @10.7Mhz
- FastROM support (An SD2SNES/FXPak Pro bug caused instability on 2CHIP SNES revisions, though with the latest firmware this appears to no longer be the case)
- MSU-1 support (Original ASM patch by Kurrono, ported by Kando and Sunlit)
- SNES Mouse support and analog stick support via the SNES mouse
- Very configurable, see SF\CONFIG\CONFIG.INC for more info
- Lots of free ROM space
- Bugfixes and improvements
- 256 texture slots
- 250 faces/vertices limit for models
- Build process optimized for speed
- Palettes and graphics crunched, textures interleaved, and fonts built at assembly
- Uses ARGLINK and ARGSFX from Star Fox 2 as linker and assembler instead of SL and SASM
- Easier creation of wireframe models (replace face3 and face4 with aface3 and aface4 in your shape file)
- All Starwing PAL and Germany text/GFX for PAL builds
- Kando was involved so you know it's good
Requirements: Microsoft Windows
Download repo as ZIP and extract somewhere, or clone the repo with git via the command line.
To build ROM, run build.cmd
To build ROM with Logging, run build to log.cmd
To clean, run clean.cmd
After building, a debug symbol map will be created at, and a bank space report at BANKS.CSV
NOTE: this was tested on WSL with Ubuntu installed. Your mileage may vary.
Requirements: Ubuntu (might work with other distros) snap, DOSBox-X, git
Install snapstore: sudo apt install snapd
Install DOSBOX-X from snap: sudo snap install dosbox-x
Clone repository: git clone
To build ROM, run make
To build ROM with logging, run make log
To clean, run make clean
After building, a debug symbol map will be created at SYMBOLS.TXT
, and a bank space report at BANKS.CSV
Uses USB2SNES-cli fork by Hyphen-ated. A prebuilt windows EXE is provided.
Download QUSB2SNES.
Extract it somewhere and run it. Set it up for an SD2SNES/FXPak Pro.
QUSB2SNES must be running in the background for uploading to function.
You can then run send2snes.cmd
or build and send to snes.cmd
to either upload the current ROM to the SNES or rebuild and upload the freshly built ROM.
PRs are welcome!
All changes to be submitted should be made to the dev branch.
Star Fox - Source Code Mods
65c816 Opcodes
65c816 Reference
MARIO (SuperFX) Chip ASM Tutorial/Reference
EarthBound Music Editor (But for Star Fox)
Star Fox Music Programming Starter Kit (by livvy94)
- Optimize game where possible (We already have FastROM and 21Mhz SuperFX 2, can we go any further?)
- Annotate and document code (in progress)
- MAYBE: Disassemble all BIN files in SND directory, add documentation on custom music and the like
├── BIN: exe files needed to assemble game code
├── optionalstuff: optional graphics files
├── SF: Main source code is located here
│ ├── ASM: Main game code located here (65816)
│ ├── BANK: Bank data\ASM files
│ ├── CONFIG: Various game aspects can be configured here
│ ├── DATA: GFX files
│ │ └── COL: Palette files and Palette Packer
│ ├── EXT: .ext files needed by several .asm files
│ ├── INC: .inc files, arc tangent table
│ ├── MAPS: level scripts
│ ├── MARIO: .MC MARIO (SuperFX) ASM code
│ ├── MSG: Message files for English, Japanese, German, and French
│ ├── MSPRITES: contains interleaved FXGfx format textures
│ ├── PATH: contains all PATH language code
│ ├── SHAPES: contains all shape files
│ ├── SND: sound/music data
│ └── STRAT: Code for Strategies (Object behaviors)
├── TOOLS: tools such as PACKER and SHAPED
└── DOCS: .md format text files covering various aspects of Star Fox