"Retinexformer: One-stage Retinex-based Transformer for Low-light Image Enhancement" (ICCV 2023) & (NTIRE 2024 Challenge)
Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
悟空财务管理系统(悟空FS) 实现凭证管理、账簿管理、资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表等管理。开启数智财务新时代。
悟空CRM-基于Spring Cloud Alibaba微服务架构 +vue ElementUI的前后端分离CRM系统
[NeurIPS 2022] Pytorch Implementation of SNAKE
AKGR: Awesome Knowledge Graph Reasoning is a collection of knowledge graph reasoning works, including papers, codes and datasets
"MST++: Multi-stage Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Spectral Reconstruction" (CVPRW 2022) & (Winner of NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge) and a toolbox for spectral reconstruction
高性能和高兼容性的1.12.2/1.16.5/1.18.2版本Forge+Bukkit+Spigot服务端 (A high performance and high compatibility 1.12.2/1.16.5/1.18.2 version Forge+Bukkit+Spigot server)
Rust语言周刊,每周五发布,精选过去一周的技术文章、业界新闻、开源项目和 Rust 语言动态
go-core 是 go web 应用开发脚手架,从全局配置文件读取,zap日志组件始化,gorm数据库连接初始化,redis客户端初始化,http server启动等。最终实现简化流程、提高效率、统一规范。
非常易用,高性能、支持实时流式和离线批处理的海量数据处理产品,架构于 Apache Flink之上。
The developer and operations friendly Kubernetes toolbox
chiarose(XCR) based on chia(XCH) source code fork, open source public chain
Paper list of log-based anomaly detection
📕 A website simulating linux system's GUI, using theme of Deepin distro. 网页模拟桌面
a WKWebviewSDK that use UNURLProtocol offline web resource. and make a javascriptbridge
💻 A Windows console remote administration tool written in Go & Intel x86 Assembly. It supports remote shell and screenshot.