"Let's Connect" is a web-based Contact Managemnet Application which also provides social networking functionalities. It supports two types of users:
- Admin
- Application User
Some of the main features of this application are:
- Users can manage their contacts information
- Users can manage their friends
- Block functionality is also provided.
- Admin can monitor user activities
- Admin can disable and deactivate users.
- Search user functionality is also provided.
- Application provides security to user's data and can only be viewed by allowed users.
- It provides an appealing user-interface/user-experience where people can easily navigate to required actions
Database for the project is hosted on "db4free.net" for easier access.
- Java (JRE)
- Apache Tomcat- https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi
- Eclipse/Spring Tool Suite (Any preffered Java servlet supported IDE)
- Clone the repository.
- Set up Dynamic Web Project Workspace in your preffered IDE.
- Import your cloned repository in the workspace.
- Set class paths for all the referenced libraries(.jar files) located in 'lib' folder of 'webapp/web-inf' directory.
- You are good to go.
Now you can run the project on the tomcat server.
Bhavya Mishra(Lead) , Anshika Garg , Asma Shehzad, Divyani Chauhan , Pranav Kulkarni , Pravin Salunkhe , Kumari Priyanka , Raghav Tripurwar ,Simran Khetrapal , Supriya Kumari.
PRESENTATTION - CodefuryPresentation.pdf