I'm a FullStack developer
Frontend- Reactjs | Angularjs| Vuejs |React Native | Redux | Redux-toolkit | RTK Query | react query | Redux-Saga | Nextjs | GraphQL| Type-Script | Socket.io.client | webRTC
Backend- MongoDb | Express | Nestjs | Nodejs | Flask | Python | Go | Fiber | socket.io | MySql | Postgre | Redis | Docker | Prisma | sqlite | microservices | rabbitmq | kafka
Devops- Linux, github action, Aws, Docker, Docker-hub, Jenkins, Ngnix, K8s ,pm2
Learning Java
- Passionate about web development technologies!
- Building cool projects.
- Contributing to the community.
- Learning new web technologies.
- HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, REACT, REDUX, REDUX TOOLKIT, RTK QUERY, REACT QUERY, Tailwind , SASS, Typescript, Next js, Material UI,Gsap, framer motion, locomotive js
- MONGODB, EXPRESS, NODE, MySql, Python ,Websocket, Docker, Jenkins, Aws | PM2 | worker