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Getting started

lunazera edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

Getting Started


To install, download the latest version of VNyan from and extract to a folder of choice on your computer. Open VNyan.exe to start!

Updating VNyan

To update VNyan, download the latest version, extract the archive and put it in your pre-existing install folder with replacement.

If you find that your graphs or items are missing after installing a new version, it is possible that you are running VNyan from a different folder as before. Try to find your previous install folder for VNyan and run VNyan.exe from there.

As VNyan is in active development, updates are not backwards compatible. Graphs may break if you try to downgrade VNyan to previous versions. In particular, if a newer version has a new node that the older version does not, any graph that contains this new node will be broken along with every other graph after it. If you need to use a previous version, try removing the newer nodes in the latest version before downgrading.

Using the app

You can use the app to manage your VNyan installation. This will allow you to automatically download and install new updates. Make sure that the app updates VNyan into the same installation folder rather than making new folders.


When you first open VNyan, you will be greeted by a startup wizard.

File system

VNyan saves most of it's settings in your AppData LocalLow folder.

Typical path: C:\Users\USERNAME_HERE\AppData\LocalLow\Suvidriel\VNyan

Here you can find your main profile's loaded graphs named redeems*.json (with * being the graph number starting from 1), settings named settings.json, various log files, a folder of backups for your graph and settings files, and a folder for additional profiles. Each profile itself is another folder with similar organization.


VNyan saves a backup of all your graphs and settings every time these are saved by VNyan once every day that VNyan is opened. You can find these under C:\Users\USERNAME_HERE\AppData\LocalLow\Suvidriel\VNyan\backup. If you lose your graphs or settings for whatever reason, you can check here and use the files from a previous date.


As of v1.1.2, VNyan supports having multiple launch profiles. Each profile has its own settings, node graphs, and environment, allowing for multiple instances of VNyan to run at the same time.

Profiles work through command line arguments. You can open VNyan with a profile by passing a command line argument when starting it. For example: VNyan.exe -p NyanNyan. This would start VNyan with a profile called NyanNyan. If the profile doesn't exist then an empty one will be created. There is no profile limit, so you can create as many as you need.

VNyan comes with a cmd-file called VNyan_Profile_Example.cmd. This file can be opened in notepad and you can change the profile name there making it super easy to just double click the cmd instead of having to type the argument every time.

Example cmd-file:

@echo off
echo Launching VNyan with different profile

VNyan.exe -p ExampleProfile

You can also set up shortcuts for VNyan.exe and put -p ExampleProfile at the end of the target line to open VNyan with a profile.

GPU Priority Mode

If you experience lag with VNyan, you can start it in GPU Priority mode. There is a cmd file VNyan_GPUPriority.cmd that you can run instead of VNyan.exe which will open using this setting. This will also run VNyan with Administrator privileges.

Alternatively, you can create a shortcut for VNyan.exe and put -gpu at the end of the Target line. Just make sure to also set VNyan to run with Admin privileges.

Note that due to how Windows admin mode works, the Hotkey node will not be able to read keyboard inputs then VNyan is out of focus. You will still be able to use Websocket triggers and those can be set up in place of hotkeys.