🔭 I’m currently working in to create Automation Scripts for deployments.
🌱 I’m currently working in new projects based on Terrform, Lambda function AWS, Kubernetes, Docker and Jenkins.
👯 Recently completed my internship as DEVOPS Intern and build some cool projects using integration of different technologies Docker,Jenkins, GitHub, AWS and programming language used was Python.
🥅 2023 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects.
⚡ Fun fact: I Love to Travel and Self Help books in my free time.
- Launching GUI container on Docker
- Industry Use cases of Neural Networks
- Integrating LVM with Hadoop
- Ping Google But Not able to ping Facebook from same System
- Kubernetes and its Use case: AppDirect
- How industries are solving challenges using Ansible
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Finance
- High Availability Architecture with AWS CLI
- Big Data And Hadoop
- Pokémon Case Study