This game is a Demo built to be able to expand and include more rooms, floors and pussels. You play as a student that have failed his/her grades. The mission is to break into the office that holds your grades and change them.
Morning standup meetings on every project day, 9:00.
- Be able to move between rooms: Done
- Pick up items: Done
- Interact with a map
- Player inventory, keys, laxatives
- Use key automatically when opening a door: Done
- Use laxative in teachers coffee
- Login computer and change grades
- Find computer login in expedition: Done
- Use login on computer: Done
- NPC teacher that moves around and needs to be avoided
- Laxative timer
- Create a room class: Done
- Build one floor and 2 rooms: Done
- Add a door between the rooms: Done
- Build a Look function that looks for doors that can be opened or closed
- Open function: Done
- Close function: Done
- Add description to the rooms, for example: "You are standing in a corridor and you see two doors": Done
- Add a lock class that can be added to the doors, display locked message if locked
- Lock class: Done
- Message: Done
- Manage strings so the player can type both Office and office: Done
- Show extra menu item if room have items, menu "Pick up": Done
- Implement pickUp function: Done
- When using "open" look through inventory and use key automatically if found: Done
- Add doors to the rooms with a class function instead. Would make it possible to create rooms without doors.
- Implement random computer password: Done
- Add a floor class that is a parent to room: Done
- re-do database to save current room and inventory
- [ { "inventory": [ "Office Key" ], "currentRoom": "corridor" } ]
- In office menu, put quit game under "Use the computer": Fixed
- When choosing the option to close/open a door that's already closed/open. It says that I have closed the door expedition, but also saying that there is no door with that name: Fixed