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Besteats allows users to cast votes on restaurants.

Django 5 pre-configured with the following side-services and libraries:

  • Django Admin configured with Constance config which is where the admin can update the "configurable" daily user votes.
  • Celery - Background task/job runner, along with the popular django-celery-beat integration which allows us to configure cronjobs and schedule tasks in the admin interface e.g. that resets the users daily votes.
  • REST Framework - API endpoint development framework built on top of Django. Minimally configured so we can have endpoints to interact with frontend.
  • drf-spectacular - generates Swagger documentation for our REST Framework endpoints at /api/swagger.

This is all wrapped up into a docker-compose environment with development defaults. The only configuration required is a random SECRET_KEY. Postgres which waits for the service to be ready and Redis are all preconfigured.

We've configured docker-compose to run flake8 and tests using default values in the example.env file.

Preconfigured project modules/features

A complete list of everything included in this app beyond what you get from the default Django cookiecutter.


  • Application with the name besteats created
  • apps/ module created for our apps
  • Cache enabled with Redis backend
  • greatly expanded beyond the default options in the file.
  • Admin page settings added for staff to investigate changes
  • pattern implemented as an optional alternative to environment variables for configuration

utils App

  • Functions and classes that are reusable accross the project e.g. get or set constance config

resturants App

  • Users can create restaurants and update or delete restaurants they have added.
  • Users can set avote or unvote restaurants.
  • Each user is given a daily vote limit which resets at midnight.
  • User's cast the first vote towards a particular restaurant which amounts to 1 point, second amounts to 0.5 and the rest amount to 0.25 points.

REST Framework

  • Integrated into Django
  • Standard base config defined in
  • Swagger documentation generation configured at /api/swagger
  • Documentation toggled on and off with ENABLE_BROWSEABLE setting


  • Integrated into project
  • Django Beat scheduler added so you can configure scheduled tasks using the django admin interface
  • Default configuration uses redis as broker and result backend


  • Accessible on Django Admin
  • Config changes can be made while the app is running with no need of rebooting the server
  • Update the USER_DAILY_VOTES



Please ensure you have Docker Compose installed. If not, you can get it here

  1. cp example.env .env in root folder
  2. Update variables in .env
  3. Run docker-compose build
  4. Run migrations with docker-compose run --rm backend ./ migrate
  5. Create a superuser with docker-compose run --rm backend ./ createsuperuser
  6. Update Constance Config values on Django Admin


docker-compose up to start the project

  1. We'll be using Postman because we're able to update environment variables using scripts
  2. Import the besteats.postman_collection.json and besteats.postman_environment.json files found in the root folder. See here or here for guidance on how to import the files.
  3. Navigate to Besteats/authentication/registration and register at least 3 users using the http://{{base_url}}/api/auth/registration/ endpoint
  4. Navigate to Besteats/restaurants/create, update the Body and create at least 3 restaurants.
  5. Now we can cast votes on the latest created restaurant i.e. {restaurant_id}, using Besteats/restaurants/vote
  6. We can cast votes on other restaurants by changing the {restaurant_id} env variable or updating the URL - http://{{base_url}}/api/restaurants/{{restaurant_id}}/vote. Use the Besteats/restaurants/list to get the restaurant IDs.
  7. Users can unvote from restaurants using Besteats/restaurants/unvote
  8. Users can also view the restaurant or restaurants with the most votes today using Besteats/restaurants/most_voted
  9. To view the previos winner(s) on a specific date, update the query params using date as the key and the value should be in the following format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. http://{{base_url}}/api/restaurants/most_voted?date=2024-07-10
  10. Login as a different user using Besteats/authentication/login to cast more votes
  11. To reset the daily user votes, we can use the managemnent command docker-compose run --rm backend ./ reset_daily_votes_for_all_profles or wait until the next day.
  12. Try replicate the scenario in the tests test_most_voted_restaurant and test_most_voted_restaurants both found in besteats/apps/restaurants/tests/integration/test_restaurant_views
  13. Note: only users who created a restaurant and staff can make updates to it.


These operations assume the project is already up and are to be run in a second terminal session.

  • Flake8: docker-compose exec backend flake8
  • Generate migrations: docker-compose exec backend ./ makemigrations
  • Run migrations: docker-compose exec backend ./ migrate
  • Create superuser: docker-compose exec backend ./ createsuperuser
  • Create a new app: docker-compose exec backend ./ startapp <APP_NAME> (and drag it into the apps/ folder)
  • Run the project in the background: docker-compose up -d
  • Run tests with coverage: docker-compose exec backend sh -c "coverage run --source='.' ./ test && coverage report -m --omit=*/tests/*,*/migrations/*,*,*,*"


  • Completely stop the project: docker-compose down
  • Delete the project and delete database/S3 data: docker-compose down -v


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