RRPlib is a spark library for representing HDFS blocks as a set of random sample data blocks. This Library is a valuable tool to make the analysis process of the massive data an attainable operation. It mainly has three components data generator, RRP, and massive-RRP. The purpose of the data generator component is to generate synthetic datasets for classification and regression. RRP component is an implementation example for the round-random partitioner in [1] and also the same for the massive-RRP component.
RRPlib comes packaged with a self-contained Maven installation to ease building and deployment from source located under the build/ directory. This script will automatically download and setup all necessary build requirements locally within the build/ directory itself. As an example, one can build a version of RRPlib as follows:
$ ./build/mvn -DskipTests clean package
The generation process can be done through the command-line console. For example, in order to generate a dataset named DS001 with the following parameters: number of features = 100, number of classes = 100, number of records = 100,000,000, and number of blocks = 1000, apply the following command line,
$ spark-submit --class szu.bdi.apps.generateClassData RRPlib.jar DS001 100000000 100 100 1000
The user also has the ability to import the jar file and use the library's API.
A complete example to demonstrate how to use it is as follows,
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import szu.bdi.generators.ClassificationData.generateMultiClasses
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val hadoopConf = new Configuration()
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(hadoopConf)
val FinalPath: String = "DS001"
val ClassCount: Int = 100
val numRecords: Long = 1000000 //real total record no. = recordCount * ClassCount * repeatFactor
val numFeatures: Int = 100
val numPartitions: Int = 10 // real total number of partitions = numPartitions * ClassCount * repeatFactor
hdfs.mkdirs(new Path(FinalPath))
generateMultiClasses(sc, hdfs, FinalPath, numFeatures, numRecords, numPartitions, ClassCount)
println("all done")
For further examples to generate big data appropriate to regression tasks, you can find these examples, generateRegDataWithGamma and generateRegDataWithNormal.
After generating the datasets, it can be repartitioned using RRP through the following command:
$ spark-submit --class szu.bdi.apps.partitionerApp RRPlib.jar <iDS> <oDS> <Q>
Where iDS is the path of the input dataset, oDS is the path of the output dataset, and Q is the partitions number of the output dataset.
As an example, to generate the dataset DS001P from DS001 with the same number of partitions 1000, we executed the following command:
$ spark-submit --class szu.bdi.apps.partitionerApp RRPlib.jar DS001 DS001P 1000
The user also has the ability to import the jar file and use the library's API, RRP(...).partitionByRRP(...). A complete example to demonstrate how to use it is as follows,
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import szu.bdi.partitioner._
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("yarn").getOrCreate()
val sourcePath: String = "DS001"
val finalPath: String = "DS001P"
val numPartReq = 1000
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val datasetRDD = sc.textFile(sourcePath)
val finalRDD = RRP(datasetRDD).partitionByRRP(numPartReq)
To apply machine learning algorithms, this library is implemented based on Spark, therefore the existing Spark’s machine learning library can be used. For example, using random forest classifier:
import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.{RandomForestClassificationModel, RandomForestClassifier}
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.{IndexToString, StringIndexer, VectorIndexer}
// A function to load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
def importDF(spark: SparkSession,strPath: String): DataFrame={
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
val RDD = sc.textFile(strPath)
.map(textLine => {
val columns = textLine.split(",")
def label(): Double = columns.last.toDouble//labels(columns.last.toDouble)
def features(): org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vector = Vectors.dense(columns.dropRight(1).map(t => t.toDouble))
LabeledPoint(label(), features())
sqlContext.createDataFrame(RDD).toDF("label", "features")
// Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame
val data = importDF("DS001P/part-00000")
// Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
// Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
// Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()
// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
// Train a RandomForest model.
val rf = new RandomForestClassifier()
// Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
val labelConverter = new IndexToString()
// Chain indexers and forest in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(labelIndexer, featureIndexer, rf, labelConverter))
// Train model. This also runs the indexers.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)
// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)
// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5)
// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println("Test Error = " + (1.0 - accuracy))
val rfModel = model.stages(2).asInstanceOf[RandomForestClassificationModel]
println("Learned classification forest model:\n" + rfModel.toDebugString)
For more details about the architecture of RRP and massive-RRP please see our paper
[1] T. Z. Emara, J. Z. Huang, A distributed data management system to support large-scale data analysis, Journal of Systems and Software 148 (2019) 105-115. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2018.11.007.