Helps in speeding up the process of getting 5000 hours of watchtime. I made it for a friend and now it goes public. I used some code i found here on github and modified it a bit so it suited my friends needs.
How to use?
- edit - go to line 34 and enter channel ID between " "
- open proxy-list.txt and on each line put only one proxy with the format IP:PORT 3.IMPORTANT: if you put 1 proxy, the bot will open one instance, if you put 2 proxies, the bot will open 2 instances... and so on 4.I recommend starting with 2 proxies and incrementing by one because the bot is resource intensive 5.Wait
PS: I recommend you upload 5-6 videos on your channel with a minimum 50 hours length before starting the bot. So you can leave the bot running for two days, and your watchtime will increase