I use vundle
to manage my plugins, which makes my .vim
directory clean and tidy.
Such as completions for variable names and function names(neocomplcache), expanding snippets(snipMate), auto closing brackets/brace/quote(delimitMate) and fast expand expressions to HTML(ZenCoding).
- neocomplcache - Ultimate auto completion system for Vim.
- snipMate - Plugin for using TextMate-style snippets in Vim.
- supertab - Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab.
- ZenCoding - High speed HTML and CSS coding.
- delimitMate - Provides auto-balancing and some expansions for parens, quotes, etc.
:help neocomplcache
:help SnipMate
:help supertab
:help delimitMate
-> Rotate across the completion listTab
-> Expand snippets or jump to the next placeholder of snippetCtrl
-> Call zen-coding expansion on html tags
Compile Vim with --enable-pythoninterp
and --enable-rubyinterp
to enable powerful syntax completion supplied by neocomplcache.
brew install macvim --override-system-vim # OS X
pacman -S gvim # ArchLinux
sudo apt-get install vim-gtk # Ubuntu
- matchit - Extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages.
- EasyMotion - Vim motions on speed!
:help easymotion
-> Jump between brackets and html/xml tags<leader>
-> Beginning of the word.<leader>
-> Find {char} to the right.
- surround - Easily delete, change and add such surroundings in pairs.
- nerdcommenter - Easy commenting of code for many filetypes.
- Gundo - visualize your Vim undo tree.
- tabular - Vim script for text filtering and alignment.
- IndentGuides - A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code.
:help text-objexts
:help surround
:help tabular
-> Jump between brackets and html/xml tags<leader>
-> Toggle commentF3
-> Toggle Gundo viewerF4
-> Toggle Indent Guides
- nerdtree - A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem.
- tabbar - Add tab bar and quickt tab switch with alt+1~9.
- tagbar - Displays the tags of the current file in a sidebar.
- ack-vim - Front for the Perl module App::Ack.
- ctrlp - Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder.
- powerline - The ultimate vim statusline utility.
- fugitive - a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal.
- syntastic - Syntax checking hacks for vim.
pacman -S ack ctags # ArchLinux
sudo apt-get install ack-grep ctags # Ubuntu
brew install ack ctags # OS X
For syntax check tools:
Languages | Lint Tools | Install guide |
C | gcc | built-in |
CPP | g++ | built-in |
CSS | csslint | npm install -g csslint |
Erlang | escript | built-in |
Go | go | built-in |
HTML | tidy | built-in |
Java | javac | built-in |
Javascript | jshint | npm install -g jshint |
Json | jsonlint | npm install -g jsonlint |
Lisp | clisp | built-in |
Lua | luac | built-in |
Perl | perl | built-in |
PHP | php | built-in |
Python | pyflakes | sudo pip install pyflakes |
Ruby | ruby | built-in |
XML | xmllint | built-in |
YAML | js-yaml | npm install -g js-yaml |
Latex | latex | built-in |
-> Toggle tagbarF6
-> Toggle Nerd-tree file viewerCtrl
-> Toggle ctrlpAlt
-> Switch between multiple buffersCtrl
-> Moving between spilt windows:Ack
-> Toggle Ack searching
- fcitx-status - automatic change status of fcitx in vim.
- togglemouse - Toggles the mouse focus between Vim and your terminal emulator, allowing terminal emulator mouse commands, like copy/paste.
-> Toggle Mouse
- Server
- php
- Web
- html5
- javascript
- jquery
- Markup language
- markdown
- textile
- blackboard - Textmate's Blackboard theme for vim (with iTerm2 theme)
- molokai - A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate
- solarized - precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
- vividchalk - colorscheme based on the Vibrant Ink theme for TextMate
- distinguished - A dark vim color scheme for 256-color terminals.
- tomorrow - Tomorrow Theme for Vim
- fisa - soft color scheme for terminals with 256 colors Clone in Mac
- File encoding auto detection
- Hightlight current line and column
- Automatically jump to the last edited location
error correction- Remove trailing white space(run
in vim) - Code folding is disabled, enable it as you wish
to write if you forget add sudo- Indent style:
- JavaScript - Use soft-tabs with a two space indent(According to this Post).
- HTML/CSS - Use soft-tabs with a two space indent(According to Google and Github's HTML/CSS style guide, just Google it).
- PHP - Use soft-tabs with a two space indent(According to Apache PHP Style Guide).
- Python - Use soft-tabs with a four space indent(PEP8).
Backup your old vim configuration files:
mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.orig mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.orig
Clone and install this repo:
git clone git://github.com/wangvsa/dot-vimrc.git ~/.vim ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
:git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Install bundles. Launch vim(ignore the errors and they will disappear after installing needed plugins)and run:
Thst's it!
All plugins are listed in file bundles.vim
with detailed comments, just add plugins as you like.
to clean up unused plugins:BundleInstall
to install newly added plugins:BundleInstall!
to upgrade all plugins
Other configurations are also well organized in vimrc.
- Compeletions are not well supported for statically typed languages(c/c++)
- Snippets are not shown in completions popups
- May has some conflicts with GVIM