This repository contains TOSSH: A Toolbox for Streamflow Signatures in Hydrology (Gnann et al., 2021). TOSSH is a Matlab toolbox that provides accessible, standardised signature calculations, with clear information on methodological decisions and recommended parameter values. The online documentation for TOSSH can be found here:
If you have any questions or feedback, or if you spotted an error or bug, please create an issue on Github ( Alternatively, email Hilary McMillan ([email protected]) or Sebastian Gnann ([email protected]).
Thanks to Yves Tramblay for providing helpful feedback.
Extensive feedback, edits, and usage notes have also been provided by Ryoko Araki.
Gnann, S.J., Coxon, G., Woods, R.A., Howden, N.J.K., McMillan H.K., 2021. TOSSH: A Toolbox for Streamflow Signatures in Hydrology. Environmental Modelling & Software.
This software is distributed under the GNU Public License Version 3. See for details.