Starred repositories
AugmentTS :: Time Series Data Augmentation using Deep Generative Models
A PyTorch Implementation of Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space by Bowman et al. 2015.
Anomaly detection for streaming data using autoencoders
Use unsupervised and supervised learning to predict stocks
TorchEEG is a library built on PyTorch for EEG signal analysis.
A curated list of time series augmentation resources.
Generation and evaluation of synthetic time series datasets (also, augmentations, visualizations, a collection of popular datasets) NeurIPS'24
An All-MLP solution for Vision, from Google AI
Implementation of the Wave-U-Net for audio source separation
Improved Wave-U-Net implemented in Pytorch
Pytorch implementation of U-Net, R2U-Net, Attention U-Net, and Attention R2U-Net.
Project analyzes Amazon Stock data using Python. Feature Extraction is performed and ARIMA and Fourier series models are made. LSTM is used with multiple features to predict stock prices and then s…
A librosa STFT/Fbank/mfcc feature extration written up in PyTorch using 1D Convolutions.
A python package for extracting EEG features. See article "Unsupervised EEG Artifact Detection and Correction" in Frontiers in Digital Health, 2020.
VAE in feature extraction help predicting stock
Example methods for estimation of phase of brain-rhythms for real-time use
A repository for tutorials to supplement the encoding model methods paper
This page is for A Survey on Deep Learning of Small Sample in Biomedical Image Analysis.
Multi-subject MEG and EEG source localization with MNE
Artifact Subspace Reconstruction for Python
A Matlab Toolbox for correcting EEG artifacts using Riemannian Artifact Subspace Reconstruction.
🔧🧠 MEEGkit: MEG & EEG processing toolkit in Python
Various automated MATLAB pipelines for preprocessing EEG
We propose a VAE-LSTM model as an unsupervised learning approach for anomaly detection in time series.
A Simple Pytorch Implementation of LSTM-based Variational Autoencoder(VAE)
Lstm variational auto-encoder for time series anomaly detection and features extraction
Repository containing notebooks of my posts on Medium