Extensions to allow Chrome and Firefox (4.0+) to auto form-fill passwords from KeePass (requires KeePassHttp)
Block lists to prevent JavaScript miners
Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
Open-source, cross platform Qt based IDE for reverse-engineering Android application packages.
Implementing neural art on video
🚱 Issue tracker for the SteamDB website
An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
A PoC backdoor that uses Gmail as a C&C server
A fully featured backdoor that uses Twitter as a C&C server
Extracts passwords from a KeePass 2.x database, directly from memory.
A KeePass plugin that downloads and stores favicons. A favicon is the little icon / logo used to identify many websites, typically displayed in the browser's address bar, bookmark list and on tabs.
KeePass plugin to expose password entries securely (256bit AES/CBC) over HTTP
A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
Read input from Twitch, and send keys to other programs
A web application built with AngularJS to track your favorite tv-shows with semi-automagic torrent integration
A little handy tool to turn off μTorrent ads with a single click. (well, okay, two, you need to grant pair permissions)
Face recognition with deep neural networks.
🗺️ MAPS.ME — Offline OpenStreetMap maps for iOS and Android
Client/server to synchronize media playback on mpv/VLC/MPC-HC/MPC-BE on many computers
Typing animation mimicking human behavior.
uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics