TangoMan Bash Aliases is a fantastic collection of utterly handful scripts for your terminal !!! TangoMan Bash Aliases is compatible with Windows CygWin MacOsX or Linux / Ubuntu terminals plus bash AND zsh shells WOW !!!
Documentation available here: ./docs/bash_aliases.md
Execute following command in your terminal
wget -nc -q https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/TangoMan75/bash_aliases/install.sh && sh install.sh install
wget -nc -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TangoMan75/bash_aliases/master/install.sh && sh install.sh install
if you have curl
curl -SsL https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/TangoMan75/bash_aliases/install.sh -o install.sh && sh install.sh install
curl -SsL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TangoMan75/bash_aliases/master/install.sh -o install.sh && sh install.sh install
Install TangoMan Bash Aliases and "Oh-My-ZSH"
make install
Install TangoMan Bash Aliases only
make min-install
Install "Oh-My-ZSH" only
make install-zsh
$ sudo apt-get install --assume-yes git
Download and install latest version from here git-scm.com
$ brew install git
Push current branch only if upstream exists
$ git config --global push.default simple
Set vim as git default editor
$ git config --global core.editor 'vim'
In order to download project submodules, enter the following command
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
On linux machine enter following command
$ sudo apt-get install --assume-yes make
On windows machine you will need to install cygwin or GnuWin make first to execute make script.
Make should be available by default on OSX system, but you can upgrade make version with following command
$ brew install make
tangoman.zsh-theme is actually personal adaptation of agnoster-zsh-theme which I love.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to TangoMan Bash Aliases.
Please review the code of conduct and contribution guidelines before starting to work on any features.
If you want to open an issue, please check first if it was not reported already before creating a new one.
Copyrights (c) 2024 "Matthias Morin" <[email protected]>
Distributed under the MIT license.
If you like TangoMan Bash Aliases please star, follow or tweet:
... And check my other cool projects.
- bash_unit: bash unit testing enterprise edition framework (used for CI/CD)
- shellcheck: a static analysis tool for shell scripts (used for CI/CD)
- bashew: from which I copied some of the CI/CD configuration
- Documentation from Google, BashPitfalls, Microsoft
Script created with makefile-generator