A X11/GLX Wrapper for EGL/Wayland
by Tarnyko <tarnyko@*.net>
EGLX wraps basic X11/GLX calls, used by popular Unix OpenGL applications, to EGL/Wayland ones.
Coupled with the jwzGLES wrapper, it permits to run legacy OpenGL applications on a Wayland compositor, eventually using hardware acceleration.
Wayland 1.2, Mesa EGL >= 9.0.3, Mesa GLESv1 >= 9.0.3
- Create libEGLX.so by running : ./compile_eglx.sh Or for some early GTK+3/X11 wrapping, better run : ./compile_eglx-withgtk3.sh
Put the resulting libEGLX.so and all EGLX*.h files in the same directory as the GLX application you want to wrap.
- Then take this application source code, glxgears.c e.g., and replace GLX headers such as :
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>
#include <GL/glxext.h>
by :
#include "EGLX.h"
- Then, in the app "main()" function, add at the beginning :
Then compile your application with this kind of command : gcc glxgears.c -o glxgears `pkg-config --cflags --libs wayland-client wayland-egl egl` libEGLX.so
If the application uses desktop GL, thus pulling X11 :
#include <GL/gl.h>
and you happen to have the jwzGLES wrapper handy, do :
#include <GLES/gh.>
#include "jwzgles.h"
And then compile using : gcc glxgears.c -o glxgears `pkg-config --cflags --libs wayland-client wayland-egl egl glesv1_cm` libEGLX.so libjwzgles.so -DHAVE_JWZGLES -DGL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_0
(If the app does some GTK+3 X11 calls (GtkGLArea3 e.g.), don't forget to comment :
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
and to add on your compilation line : `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0`)
Most GLX famous examples (GLXDemo, GLXGears, GLXHeads, ManyWin, Offset) work with the wrapper. To test with GLXGears, once you've got "libEGLX.so" ; copy it to the "examples" folder and run : ./compile_glxgears.sh
See COPYING ; except for "EGLX-eventdef.h" and "EGLX-keysymdef", which are more and less copies from X11's ones (and therefore, under the terms of its MIT license) ; and "examples/jwzgles*" files which are under the terms of their author.