An extreme fast, responsive and feature-rich blog theme for Hugo.
Dark Mode
- - Deploy on Netlify.
There is also a list of websites that use this theme.
- Fast: Google PageSpeed Insights's score
. - Built on top of Bootstrap 5.
- Responsive.
- Various Palettes:
. - Highly Configurable.
- Dark Mode Switcher.
- Font Size Switcher.
- Multilingual(I18N).
- Search.
- Breadcrumb.
- Archive.
- Aligning images by adding URL fragments, such as
represents align center, float left and float right respectively. - Syntax Highlighting
- Resources Lazy Loading:
. - Reward Widget: supports Alipay and Wechat.
- Table of Contents.
- Share Buttons: supports AddThis.
- Comments: supports Disqus and Utterances.
- Custom Assets: custom CSS and JS.
- Hooks: provides ability to add custom code in page, such as
etc. - Social Links.
- Various Shortcodes.
- Twitter Cards and Open Graph.
- Creative Commons License
$ hugo new site myblog
$ cd myblog
$ git init
$ git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap
$ cp -a themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/* .
$ hugo server
If you're using Windows, use
xcopy .\themes\hugo-theme-bootstrap\exampleSite /E
$ cd myblog
$ git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap
$ mkdir config
$ cp -a themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/config/* ./config
In this case, you will need to copy some directories into the content, such as the archives and search directory.
If you're making a fresh clone, you will be need to update your submodule
$ git clone <your-repo>
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Or combine into one
$ git clone --recursive <your-repo>
$ cd themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap
$ git fetch
$ git checkout [version]
$ cd ../../
$ git add themes/hugo-theme-bootstrap
$ git commit -m 'Upgrade the theme'
- Replace the
with the latest version. The version can be listed bygit tag -l | sort -rV
. - You can also checkout the
branch for getting the latest commit.
$ hugo new -c content/en posts/
The command above create a new post written in English. Similarly, we can create a post written in Simplified Chinese:
$ hugo new -c content/zh-cn posts/
Please remind that, the created posts are generally in draft state. You'll need the
parameter to the commandhugo server
for previewing. When publishing posts, you need to change thedraft
, or deletedraft
As the example site shown, the configuration are separated into multiple files, this is much clearer than a single configuration file, especially in a multilingual website.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title |
String | - | Site title. |
baseURL |
String | - | Site base URL. |
copyright |
String | - | Site copyright. The {year} placeholder will be replaced with this year. |
defaultContentLanguage |
String | en |
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir |
Boolean | false |
paginate |
Integer | 10 |
paginatePath |
String | page |
enableRobotsTXT |
Boolean | true |
disqusShortname |
String | - | Disqus shortname. |
googleAnalytics |
String | - | Google Analytics. |
social |
Object | - | Social Links. |
author |
Object | - | Profile shown in sidebar. | |
String | - | Name |
author.avatar |
String | images/profile.webp |
Avatar | |
String | - | Bio | |
String | - | Company |
author.location |
String | - | Location |
author.about |
String | - | The external about page. The internal about page will be used if not set. |
author.params |
Object | - | |
author.params.layout |
String | - | Optional value: compact |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Page | |||
mainSections |
Array | ["posts"] |
Main sections |
titleCase |
Boolean | false |
Capitalized title or not |
titleSeparator |
String | - |
Title separator |
comment |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable comments |
toc |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable TOC |
tocWordCount |
Integer | 280 |
TOC is displayed only if the post's word count is greater than this value. |
breadcrumb |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable breadcrumb |
dateFormat |
String | Jan 2, 2006 |
Date format. Checkout the Hugo Date and Time Templating Reference for details. |
poweredBy |
Boolean | true |
Whether to show powered by. |
readingTime |
Boolean | true |
Whether to display the reading time. |
postDate |
Boolean | true |
Whether to display the post date in the post meta section. |
math |
Boolean | false |
Whether to enable math globally. |
diagram |
Boolean | false |
Whether to enable diagram globally. |
mermaid |
Object | - | Mermaid Configuration. |
logo |
String | images/logo.webp |
Logo image. |
brand |
String | - | Brand text. |
menusPosition |
String | right |
Menus position: right , left , center . |
description |
String | - | Site description. |
keywords |
String | - | Site keywords. |
color |
String | - | Color mode, light , dark or dynamic. Default to dynamic. |
palette |
String | - | Default palette. This will take effect after clearing the Cookie. |
palettes |
Array | ALL | Available palettes. You can disable it by setting it to empty [] . |
featuredPostCount |
Integer/Boolean | 5 |
The number of featured posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
recentPostCount |
Integer/Boolean | 5 |
The number of recent posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
relatedPostCount |
Integer/Boolean | 5 |
The number of related posts. Turn off by setting it to false . |
categoryCount |
Integer/Boolean | 10 |
The number of categories shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
tagCount |
Integer/Boolean | 10 |
The number of tags shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
seriesCount |
Integer | 10 |
The number of series shown in sidebar. |
taxonomyPostCount |
Integer | 3 |
The number of posts of taxonomy. Turn off by setting it to false. |
fullWidth |
Boolean | false |
Full width. |
fixedHeader |
Boolean | true |
Turn on/off fixed header. |
reward |
Object | - | Reward | |
String | - | Alipay QR Code Image. |
reward.wechat |
String | - | Wechat QR Code Image. |
share |
Object | - | Share buttons |
share.addThis |
String | - | AddThis's pubid . |
fontSize |
Object | Font Sizes | Comment or remove this parameter to disable font size switcher. |
fontSize.small |
String | .9rem |
Small font size. |
fontSize.extraSmall |
String | .8rem |
Extra small font size. |
fontSize.large |
String | 1.1rem |
Large font size. |
fontSize.extraLarge |
String | 1.2rem |
Extra large font size. |
Archive | |||
archive |
Object | - | Archive configuration. |
archive.paginate |
Integer | 100 |
Archive pagination. |
archive.dateFormat |
Integer | Jan 2 |
Archive date format. |
Search | |||
search |
Object | - | Search configuration. |
search.paginate |
Integer | 10 |
Pagination |
search.resultContentWordCount |
Integer | 240 |
The maximum word count of result content for displaying. |
search.fuse |
Object | - | Fuse.js options. |
search.fuse.ignoreLocation |
Boolean | true |
search.fuse.location |
Integer | - | |
search.fuse.isCaseSensitive |
Boolean | - | |
search.fuse.minMatchCharLength |
Integer | - | |
search.fuse.threshold |
Double | - | |
search.fuse.distance |
Integer | - | |
search.fuse.useExtendedSearch |
Boolean | - | |
Webmaster Site Verification | |||
siteVerification |
Object | - | | |
String | - | | |
String | - | Bing | |
String | - | Baidu |
siteVerification.baiduUnion |
String | - | Baidu Union | |
String | - | Qihoo 360 |
siteVerification.sogou |
String | - | Sogou |
siteVerification.shenma |
String | - | Shenma |
Analytics | |||
analytics |
Object | - | Analytics configuration. | |
String | - | Baidu Analytics. |
Others | |||
googleAdsense |
String | - | Google Adsense. |
customCSS |
Array | - | Custom CSS. It is mainly used to import external CSS. See Custom Assets. |
customJS |
Array | - | Custom JS. It is mainly used to import external JS. See Custom Assets. |
utterances |
Object | - | Utterances configuration. |
utterances.repo |
String | - | Github repository. |
utterances.issueTerm |
String | pathname |
pathname , url , title , og:title . |
utterances.label |
String | - | |
utterances.theme |
String | - | By default, light and dark mode correspond to github-light and github-dark , respectively. github-light , github-dark , preferred-color-scheme , github-dark-orange , icy-dark , dark-blue , photon-dark . |
Creative Commons License | |||
creativeCommons |
Object | - | | |
Boolean | true |
Credit must be given to you, the creator. | |
Boolean | true |
Only noncommercial use of your work is permitted. |
creativeCommons.nd |
Boolean | true |
No derivatives or adaptations of your work are permitted. | |
Boolean | true |
Adaptations must be shared under the same terms. |
Code Block | |||
codeBlock |
Object | - | |
codeBlock.maxLines |
Integer | 7 |
codeBlock.lineNos |
Boolean | true |
true /false represents that show/hide the line numbers by default. |
Post | |||
post |
Object | - | |
post.excerpt |
String | Summary |
Options: description |
post.excerptMaxLength |
Integer | 320 |
Katex | |||
katex |
Object | - | Katex options, see also and |
Except the Google webmaster tool, the other webmaster tools cannot work with
hugo --minify
, because they cannot recognize the minified meta tag.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Page | |||
description |
String | - | Page description. |
keywords |
Array | - | Page keywords. |
comment |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable comments. It won't work if comment has been disabled globally. |
toc |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable TOC. It won't work if toc has been disabled globally. |
math |
Boolean | false |
Whether to enable math. |
diagram |
Boolean | false |
Whether to enable diagram. |
reward |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable reward. |
breadcrumb |
Boolean | true |
Whether to enable breadcrumb. |
readingTime |
Boolean | true |
Whether to display the reading time. |
postDate |
Boolean | true |
Whether to display the post date in the post meta section. |
Creative Commons License | |||
creativeCommons |
Object | - | | |
Boolean | true |
Credit must be given to you, the creator. | |
Boolean | true |
Only noncommercial use of your work is permitted. |
creativeCommons.nd |
Boolean | true |
No derivatives or adaptations of your work are permitted. | |
Boolean | true |
Adaptations must be shared under the same terms. |
This theme requires the following parameters to be set to specific values.
See also Configure Highlight.
$ hugo gen chromastyles --style=solarized-dark > assets/css/highlight.css
See also All Supported Styles.
disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"
is a site's configuration, not a parameter. Place it under theparams
won't work.
Checkout the Disqus website for details.
Utterances is a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues.
repo = "user/repo"
#issueTerm = "pathname" # pathname, url, title, og:title.
#label = "comment" # Optional.
#theme = ""
Unlike Disqus, Utterances is a parameter. You should put it under the
$ mkdir -p layouts/partials/post/comments
$ echo "MY COMMENTS WIDGET" > layouts/partials/post/comments/custom.html
You will be need to remove the other comments widget's configurations.
There are two ways to customize the internal and external assets.
This is the best way to customize the theme's CSS and JS. Just create the files assets/css/custom.css
and assets/js/custom.js
These files will be bundled into one for reducing HTTP requests.
Any external CSS and JS resources can be imported by the parameters customCSS
and customJS
Both of
can also import the internal assets. Just put the files into thestatic
Hooks are used for adding code on pages.
Hook | Description |
head-end |
Before the <head> end |
body-end |
Before the <body> end |
main-begin |
Above of the <main> |
main-end |
Follow the <main> |
list-begin |
Above of the posts list |
list-end |
Follow the posts list |
sidebar-begin |
At very top of the sidebar |
sidebar-end |
Before the sidebar end |
content-begin |
Above of the post content |
content-end |
Follow the post content |
comments-begin |
Above of the comments |
comments-end |
Follow the comments |
footer-begin |
At very top of the footer |
footer-end |
Before the footer end |
For using a hook, you need to create an HTML file named with the hook name in the directory layouts/partials/hooks
For example:
$ echo "SIDEBAR BEGIN" > layouts/partials/hooks/sidebar-begin.html
Shortcode | Description | Usage |
alert |
Alter | {{< alert "message" [type] >}} , [type] can be one of info , success , warning and danger |
jsfiddle |
JSFiddle | {{< jsfiddle "user/id" >}} |
codepen |
CodePen | {{< codepen "id" >}} |
jsrun |
JSRUN | {{< jsrun "id" >}} |
bilibili |
Bilibili Video Player | {{< bilibili "video ID" >}} |
youku |
Youku Video Player | {{< youku "video ID" >}} |
iqiyi |
iQiyi Video Player | {{< iqiyi "vid" "tvid" >}} |
tencentvideo |
Tencent Video Player | {{< tencentvideo "video ID" >}} |
neteasemusic |
Netease Music player | {{< neteasemusic "song ID" >}} |
The social
is a set of key value pairs of social links that mapping from platform to user identifier.
Enable social links by creating a file config/_default/social.toml
with the following content:
email = "[email protected]"
github = "githubusername"
# ...
Platform | User Identifier |
email |
Email Address |
facebook |
Facebook Username |
facebookgroup |
Facebook Group Name |
github |
GitHub Username |
gitlab |
GitLab Username |
instagram |
Instagram Username |
linkedin |
LinkedIn Username |
quora |
Quora Username |
stackoverflow |
Stack Overflow User ID |
tumblr |
Tumblr Username |
twitter |
Twitter Username |
weibo |
Weibo Username |
zhihu |
Zhihu Username |
reddit |
Reddit Username |
telegram |
Telegram Username |
qq |
QQ Number |
dockerhub |
Docker Hub Username |
bitbucket |
Bitbucket Workspace ID |
kaggle |
Kaggle Username |
medium |
Medium Username or custom domain(e.g. https://custom.domain.tld) |
lastfm | Username |
bibibili |
BiliBili User ID |
youtube |
Youtube Channel ID |
discord |
Discord Invite Code |
discourse |
Forum URL |
tiktok |
TikTok Username |
Any contributions are welcome.
- ⭐ if you are interested in this theme.
- File an issue
- Ask questions.
- Report bugs.
- Request features.
- Create a PR:
- Fix issues and bugs.
- Add new features.
- Improve documentations.
This theme relies on npm
and webpack
for development. The source of js
and scss
are placed in src
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Rebuild assets
$ npm run build
npm run watch
rebuild assets on change.
$ cd exampleSite
$ hugo server --themesDir=../../
Formating Code
$ npm run lint
- Delete the relative language items from
. - Delete the configuration files those filenames contains language code, such as
. - Change the value of
. - Delete the relative posts or directories in
, such asrm -r content/zh-cn