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made-with-python compatibility Heroku

The AxC Bot Family

Add our Bots (Currently in Public Semi-Beta {yes, we made up the term "semi-beta"}, but mostly stable)!

AxC 777 (general-purpose, features not locked):

AxC 777 Music (The Music Bot):

Made with code aid from (@sohan-py)

Note: Both the ctx and non-ctx versions of AxC 777 run simultaneously, for some features are in one or the other.

Many times the code on Replit/Heroku and GitHub is different. Although the difference is usually subtle, the reason is that our bots run on Replit (now Heroku as well) and the code of the bots is updated more frequently there. These changes are usually incorporated (if accepted by our team) into this GitHub Repository within a matter of a day or two. Yes, we know that Replit supports GitHub integration (or Git, but still), and we are surely looking forward to use that, but for the time being, we are sticking to this route (for the time being here refers to about a week or two).

Requirements (all bots inclusive)

The required libraries for running your own copy of the bots are listed in requirements.txt. All these libraries can be installed using pip.

MYOB (Make Your Own Bots)

Note: Replace python with python3 and pip with pip3 if Python 2 is already installed on your system

For making your own copy of our bots, you can either:-

  1. Fork the Repository and do your stuff there
  2. Clone the repository (using git clone, gh repo clone Team-AxC/Bots-AxC or something similar)

Please fill out secrets.env with the required values in the case of AxC 777 Music, and in other cases, please fill out the "secret values" in the bot code itself, where ever written. We are planning to move everything to secrets.env, but please wait a while for that.

If you cloned this GitHub Repository, please install the requirements using the following command in the directory in which requirements.txt is located (and make sure that Python 3.8 or greater is installed on your system):-

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

For hosting your own copy of AxC 777 Music (with slash commands), navigate to the AxC 777 Music\slash directory and run the following command:-


Note that it can take upto about an hour to register slash commands globally, therefore if you are testing your bot(s) on just one server or some collection of servers, please edit the following lines of code of each and every slash command:-

@slash_command(name = "command_name", description = "command_description", guild_ids = [server_id_of_server_1, server_id_of_server_2]

This should give an almost instantaneous access to the slash commands of the bot(s) in the mentioned servers.

For hosting your own copy of AxC 777, navigate to the AxC 777 directory and run the following command:-


AND IT'S DONE 🥳🎉 (if you didn't encounter any bugs! 🥲😵‍💫)

Additionally, if you don't want to host the bot on a Flask application, you can remove the following lines of code from (for AxC 777 Music) and (for AxC 777):

from alive import *
