⚒️ Under Development.
gogram is a Pure Golang MTProto (Layer 146) library to interact with Telegram's API as a user or through a bot account (bot API alternative).
Telegram is a popular messaging application. This library is meant to make it easy for you to write Golang programs that can interact with Telegram. Think of it as a wrapper that has already done the heavy job for you, so you can focus on developing an application.
Light Weight compared to other go- mtproto clients. Fast compiling and execution, All commonly used methods are made more friendly, Reliable updates handling system
go get -u github.com/amarnathcjd/gogram
client, _ := telegram.TelegramClient(telegram.ClientConfig{
AppID: 6,
AppHash: "",
DataCenter: 2,
// client.Login(phoneNumber)
client.Idle() // start infinite polling
var b = telegram.Button{}
opts := &telegram.SendOptions{
Caption: "Game of Thrones",
ReplyMarkup: b.Keyboard(b.Row(b.URL("Imdb", "http://imdb.com/title/tt0944947/"))),
message, _ := client.SendMessage("username", "Hello I'm talking to you from gogram!")
message.ReplyMedia(url, opts)
client.DeleteMessage("username", message.ID)
peer := client.ResolvePeer("username")
client.GetParticipant("chat", "user")
client.EditAdmin(chatID, userID, &telegram.AdminOptions{
AdminRights: &telegram.ChatAdminRights{
AddAdmins: true,
Rank: "Admin",
client.GetMessages(chatID, &telegram.SearchOptions{Limit: 1})
action, _ := client.SendAction(chat, "typing")
defer action.Cancel()
client.KickParticipant(chatID, userID)
client.EditBanned(chatID, userID, &telegram.BannedOptions{Mute: true})
client.DownloadMedia(message, "download.jpg")
client.EditTitle("me", "MyNewAmazingName")
client.UploadFile("file.txt", true) // Multithreaded upload
p := client.GetParticipant("chat", "user")
client.InlineQuery("@pic", &telegram.InlineOptions{Query: "", Dialog: "@chat"})
client.SendDice("username", "🎲")
- ✔️ Basic MTProto implementation
- ✔️ Implement all Methods for latest layer (144)
- ✔️ Entity Cache + Friendly Methods
- ✔️ Add Update Handle System
- 📝 Make a reliable HTML Parser
- ✔️ Friendly Methods to Handle CallbackQuery, VoiceCalls
- 📝 Multiple tests
- 📝 Add more examples
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.