This library is adapted from the OpenIddict EFCore and MongoDB libraries. Thank you to Kévin Chalet for creating OpenIddict and for encouraging me to create and maintain this library.
- Upgrade packages
- Remove .NET 6 and 7 targets
- Upgraded OpenIddict from 4.x to 5.x
- Requires migrating database with something like:
Migrate OpenIddict from 4.x to 5.x (PostgreSQL)
ALTER TABLE auth_openiddict_applications RENAME COLUMN type TO client_type;
ALTER TABLE auth_openiddict_applications ADD COLUMN application_type text;
ALTER TABLE auth_openiddict_applications ADD COLUMN settings text;
ALTER TABLE auth_openiddict_applications ADD COLUMN json_web_key_set text;
- Fix "update application" concurrency bug, PR #2
- Now using Linq2DB 5.0.0 stable
- Now using only MappingSchema to call UseOpenIddict (see example code below). This is a breaking change. You should not use RC1, the performance is very bad because the schema was updated in every scope and so the LinqToDB queries were not being cached properly.
- Now using Linq2DB 5.0.0 preview.1 (not backward compatible)
In version 1.0.0-preview7
the database models have been updated to use NodaTime's
instead of DateTime
. You will likely need to add the following configuration
to the LinqToDB mapper:
- In your project, add a package reference to
- Add
. In Linq2DB 5.0.0 this needs to be the data source builder'sUseNodaTime()
as shown below
<PackageReference Include="TecMeet.OpenIddict.LinqToDB" Version="2.0.0" />
var ms = new MappingSchema();
// Or, also set the table names if you want to use something else
// than the default.
// ms.UseOpenIddict(new OpenIddictLinqToDBNameOptions
// {
// ApplicationsTableName = "auth_openiddict_applications",
// AuthorizationsTableName = "auth_openiddict_authorizations",
// ScopesTableName = "auth_openiddict_scopes",
// TokensTableName = "auth_openiddict_tokens"
// });
var dsBuilder = new NpgsqlDataSourceBuilder(connectionString);
var ds = dsBuilder.Build();
var dataOptions = new DataOptions()
.UseConnectionFactory(PostgreSQLTools.GetDataProvider(PostgreSQLVersion.v95), ds.CreateConnection);
services.AddLinqToDBContext<DbContext>((provider, _) =>
.AddCore(options =>
This is the SQL needed for PostgreSQL to create the tables OpenIddict uses for string
primary key types. You
can also use other key types but you need to also adapt the configuration code for that.
SQL table creation code
CREATE TABLE auth_openiddict_applications
type text NULL,
requirements text NULL,
redirect_uris text NULL,
properties text NULL,
post_logout_redirect_uris text NULL,
permissions text NULL,
id text NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
display_names text NULL,
display_name text NULL,
consent_type text NULL,
concurrency_token text NULL,
client_secret text NULL,
client_id text NULL,
CONSTRAINT "PK_auth_openiddict_applications" PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE auth_openiddict_authorizations
type text NULL,
subject text NULL,
status text NULL,
scopes text NULL,
properties text NULL,
id text NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
creation_date timestamptz NULL,
concurrency_token text NULL,
application_id text NULL,
CONSTRAINT "PK_auth_openiddict_authorizations" PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE auth_openiddict_scopes
resources text NULL,
properties text NULL,
name text NULL,
id text NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
display_names text NULL,
display_name text NULL,
descriptions text NULL,
description text NULL,
concurrency_token text NULL,
CONSTRAINT "PK_auth_openiddict_scopes" PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE auth_openiddict_tokens
type text NULL,
subject text NULL,
status text NULL,
reference_id text NULL,
redemption_date timestamptz NULL,
properties text NULL,
payload text NULL,
id text NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
expiration_date timestamptz NULL,
creation_date timestamptz NULL,
concurrency_token text NULL,
authorization_id text NULL,
application_id text NULL,
CONSTRAINT "PK_auth_openiddict_tokens" PRIMARY KEY (id)
It's created and maintained by Kévin Chalet.
OpenIddict aims at providing a versatile solution to implement OpenID Connect client, server and token validation support in any ASP.NET Core 2.1 (and higher) application. ASP.NET 4.6.1 (and higher) applications are also fully supported thanks to a native Microsoft.Owin 4.2 integration.
OpenIddict fully supports the code/implicit/hybrid flows, the client credentials/resource owner password grants and the device authorization flow.
OpenIddict natively supports Entity Framework Core, Entity Framework 6 and MongoDB out-of-the-box and custom stores can be implemented to support other providers (that's what this repo is, a custom store for LinqToDB).
Security issues or bugs should be reported privately by emailing tim at tecmeet dot com. You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message.
This project is licensed under the Apache License. This means that you can use, modify and distribute it freely. See for more details.