ANA - Simulation program (TU-Wien)
This repository was created to preservate the programm called ANA.
Ana is a simulator of analog and digital systems for measurement and control.
While the last release has been quite a while ago it is still used to teach students of some higher technical collages and
universities in Austria the foundations of this area.
ANA has been developed by the (now defunct) "Institut für Elektrische Regelungstechnik" (institute for electrical control engineering)
of the university of Vienna.
Documentation may be found here: (This link doesn't work anymore)
This seems the last place were to get the manual I think:
To install this Programm just drag the folder "ana252" into your Program Files (x86) folder and create a desktop link
to "C:\Program Files (x86)\ana252\Bin\Ana.exe".
If there are any problems (copyright etc.) you may contact me directly at: [email protected]
Best Regards
(TU-Wien Student and
former HTL Student)