Personnal set of roles to install and configure web servers when not using Docker...
Please check the example.yml file and the meta/main.yml file of each role to see the OS compatibility.
- apache : Install and configure Apache2
- certbot : Install certbot in order to use let'sencrypt SSL certificates
- change-hostname : Change hostname to match inventory name of the server
- common : Install common packages
- composer : Install latest composer (require to have PHP already installed)
- console : Install latest Drupal Console
- docker-ce : Install latest docker-ce
- drush : Install Drush for Drupal (any version)
- fail2ban : Install and configure fail2ban
- memcached : Install memcached
- mysql : Install MySQL (5.7)
- new_database : Create new MySQL database, with a new user, and grant all privileges on this database to the user
- new_samba_share : Create a new samba share directory
- new_vhost : Create a new vhost for Apache2
- nginx-reverse-proxy : Install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy to use it with Apache2
- php : Install PHP (5.6 or 7.1)
- phpmyadmin : Install phpmyadmin (any version)
- pip : Install pip
- postfix : Install and configure postfix SMTP server
- samba : Install samba
- solr : Install and configure Solr (any version)