This repository serves as the main infrastructure as code repository for the following projects:
- TekPossible-ES-DevEnv (FUTURE)
- TekPossible-Resume
This CDK implementation has the following types of stacks:
- NodeJS Stack - A stack that deploys a PostgreSQL and NodeJS EC2 instance based on the lastest Amazon Linux 2023 AMI (DONE)
- NodeJS DevOps Stack - A stack that deploys a repo for the nodejs application and a pipeline consisting of codebuild and codedeploy for the application (DONE)
- DevEnv Stack - A stack that deploys a Mattermost server, a tailscale server for VPN access, and an autoscaling EC2 instance for development (via vscode remote)(IN PROGRESS)
- IaC DevOps Stack - A stack that deploy a CI/CD Pipeline for my CDK and ansible code. It also deploys a EC2 instance to run the CDK/Ansible resources. (DONE)
More documentation regarding the environment can be found here