Google Alerts API wrapper for nodejs. See tests for all features coverage.
- Creating alerts (no support for few parameters)
- Fetching alerts
- Modifing alerts (no support for few parameters)
- Removing alerts
$ npm i -S google-alerts-api
const alerts = require('google-alerts-api');
Fetching alerts forces us to authenticate. Pass your credentials using configure
- using mail/password
mail: '[email protected]',
password: '**********'
- using cookie, (see how to get cookies)
cookies: 'W3sia2V5IjoiR0FQUyIsInZhbHVlIjoiMTpCRXRtZEpjc...saGRasC==',
const alerts = require('google-alerts-api');
const { HOW_OFTEN, DELIVER_TO, HOW_MANY } = alerts;
mail: '[email protected]',
password: '**********'
alerts.sync((err) => {
if(err) return console.log(err);
const alertList = alerts.getAlerts();
alertList.forEach(alert => printAlertInfo);
function printAlertInfo(alert){
//'How Many' property information:
if (alert.howMany === HOW_MANY.BEST) {
console.log('How many: Only the best results');
} else if (alert.howMany === HOW_MANY.ALL) {
console.log('How many: All Results');
name: '"Donald Trump * ISIS"',
id: '4f94515ec736ef62:ade5b03803caa237:com:en:PL:R',
howOften: 2, //use HOW_OFTEN enum to find out proper meaning
sources: [], // sources are not supported yet
lang: 'en',
region: 'PL',
howMany: 3, //use HOW_MANY enum to find out proper meaning
deliverTo: 2, //use DELIVER_TO enum to find out proper meaning
deliverToData: '', //email address, available when deliverTo === DELIVER_TO.MAIL
rss: '' //field available, when deliverTo === DELIVER_TO.RSS
Modify alert (see tests for more examples):
const { HOW_OFTEN, DELIVER_TO, HOW_MANY } = alerts;
alerts.sync((err) => {
if(err) return console.log(err);
const alertToModify = alerts.getAlerts()[0];
alerts.modify(, {
name: '"(Donald OR Melania) Trump"'
}, () => {
alerts.sync(() => {
const syncedAlertsList = alerts.getAlerts();
//search in syncedAlertsList to check updated alert
function printAlertInfo(alert){
//'How Many' property information:
if (alert.howMany === HOW_MANY.BEST) {
console.log('How many: Only the best results');
} else if (alert.howMany === HOW_MANY.ALL) {
console.log('How many: All Results');
alerts.sync(() => {
const alertToCreate = {
sources: [],
lang: 'en',
name: 'NodeJS AND "Chrome V8"',
region: 'PL', // or do not specify it at all, if you want "All Regions"
deliverTo: DELIVER_TO.RSS,
deliverToData: ''
alerts.create(alertToCreate, (err, alert) => {
alerts.sync((err) => {
const alertToRemove = alerts.getAlerts()[0];
alerts.remove(, (err) => {
alerts.sync((err) => {
const syncedAlertsList = alerts.getAlerts(); //alertToRemove does not exists here.
You can authenticate once, and then use cookies.
const fs = require('fs');
alerts.generateCookies(MAIL, PASSWORD, (err, cookies) => {
if(err) return console.log(err);
fs.writeFileSync('', cookies);
and then:
const fs = require('fs');
cookies: fs.readFileSync('').toString()
alerts.sync((err) => {
if(err) return console.log(err);
const alertList = alerts.getAlerts();