Starred repositories
Library for Rapid (Web) Crawler and Scraper Development
The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling you will get.
Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!
Get your public IP address - very fast!
Check if the internet connection is up
Parse and stringify URL query strings
Allows you to mix multiple PhpUnit @dataProvider without duplication
Allows you to prompt for user input on the command line, and optionally hide the characters they type
FakerPHP / Faker
Forked from fzaninotto/FakerFaker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
Dump anonymized PostgreSQL database with a NodeJS CLI
🔥 Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more
A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
CaptainHook is a very flexible git hook manager for software developers that makes sharing git hooks with your team a breeze.
Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.
Pragmatic humanist's thoughts on sociotechnical systems.
Less.js ported to PHP. Mirrored from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php/
A Parser for CSS Files written in PHP. Allows extraction of CSS files into a data structure, manipulation of said structure and output as (optimized) CSS
A collection of packages that build a website using npm scripts.
Break objects into pieces and control them from those pieces.
A beautiful, fully open-source, tunneling service - written in pure PHP
A one class lib to parse multipart document ( multipart email, multipart form, etc ...) and manage each part encoding and charset to extract their content.
A library for comparing two HTML files/snippets and highlighting the differences using simple HTML. Includes support for comparing complex lists and tables