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Alice 2

Alice is an innovative block-based programming environment that makes it easy to create animations, build interactive narratives, or program simple games in 3D.

Latest Released Build:

Building Alice 2 from Source

Use maven to compile the src directory or build and install a jar into the target directory.

mvn compile

mvn install

When launching include the compiled files or jar and the files in lib. Launch edu.cmu.cs.stage3.alice.authoringtool.JAlice from the Required folder, which holds the supporting files.

Include the following VM arguments:

-Dpython.home=jython -Dpython.path=jython/Lib/alice -Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 --add-exports java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED

On Windows, to include the Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLLs), add:


On Mac add:

-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -Xdock:icon=classes/edu/cmu/cs/stage3/alice/authoringtool/images/alice.png

Release Builds

Official builds of Alice are built using Install4J 10.

The file installer/alice2.install4j can be built using Install4J or mvn install. Maven will automatically use Install4J if it is installed.

It will create ten files, for each combination of gallery (2) and OS installer(5):


  • English
  • Spanish


  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux (tar, sh, deb)

Additional documentation

Some historical documents reside in the docs directory.

Not all information there is up to date or accurate, but it may be useful.