BookmarkArchiver Public
a free (as in freedom) version of something inspired by my own needs and historio.us
UpdatedFeb 26, 2014 -
HTMLForBeginners Public
exercises for opentechschool london html and css exercise 1
CSS UpdatedFeb 18, 2014 -
AutoUploader Public
This script will search a given directiory and upload any pictures found to flickr
Python UpdatedOct 22, 2013 -
Shaarli Public
Forked from sebsauvage/ShaarliThe personal, minimalist, super-fast, no-database delicious clone.
PHP Other UpdatedSep 1, 2013 -
PHP-Mail-Form Public
Forked from jemjabella/PHP-Mail-FormMy free php mail form
UpdatedMay 12, 2013