An open source recreation of Vanilla Tweaks for the Faithful x32 Texturepack by The Faithful Team.
A guide on making modules is coming soon so stay tuned! For now check out the Better Bedrock commit or the Black Nether Bricks commit (there was an issue with Black Nether Bricks, the fix was made here).
These two commits cover updating
(this file), creating the module's javascript file, adding the module to /functions/modules.js
, adding the module to the website, and adding the module to /images
To create a module some github and javascript experience will be helpful but these files have been made so that they are fairly simple to understand.
Notice: Icon/HUD modules, options background modules, and menu panorama modules are not implemented in the traditional fashion.
- BlackNetherBricks
- CherryPicking
- SidewaysNuggets
- SolidHoney
- UnbundledHayBales
- BetterBedrock
- PebblelessCoarseDirt
- BetterObservers
- ColoredBows
- DirectionalHoppers
- OreBorders
- StickyPistonSides
- AlternateEnchantGlint
- ClearPumpkinBlur
- InvisibleTotem
- LowFire
- LowShield
- NoVignette
- ReducedPumpkinBlur
- SlicedSwords
- UnobtrusiveRain
- UnobtrusiveScaffolding
- UnobtrusiveWater
- BorderlessGlass
- CleanBorderlessGlass
- CleanGlass
- BlueWitherHearts
- ColoredPing
- MelonHunger
- RainbowXP
- AcaciaPlanksBG
- AncientDebrisBG
- AndesiteBG
- BedrockBG
- BetterBedrockBG
- BirchPlanksBG
- DarkOakPlanksBG
- DioriteBG
- EndStoneBG
- GraniteBG
- HoneycombBG
- JunglePlanksBG
- NetherrackBG
- NetherrackBrightBG
- OakPlanksBG
- ObsidianBG
- PebblelessDirtBG
- SprucePlanksBG
- StoneBG
- BastionPano
- ClassicPano
- SeirinsPano
- 3DIronBars
- 3DLadders
- 3DLilyPads
- 3DRails
- 3DReeds
- AlternateBlockDestruction
- BrighterNether
- DarkUI
- FullyAgedCropMarker
- MineProgressBar
- PebblelessDirt
Example body of POST request:
"format": 5,
"modules": ["SlicedSwords", "ReducedPumpkinBlur", "ColoredBows", "OreBorders", "StickyPistonSides"],
"iconModules": ["MelonHunger", "ColoredPing", "BlueWitherHearts", "RainbowXP"],
"optionsBackground": "AcaciaPlanksBG",
"panoOption": "ClassicPano"
Example response from POST request:
"url": ""
- Banakin: Making the website and various tweaks
- Doge: FullyAgedCropMarker and AlternateBlockDestruction
- The Faithful Team: Making the Faithful Texture Pack
- Nekzuris: ColoredPing
- Pomik108: RainbowXPBar
- Redcoke26: MelonHunger
- Seirin-Blu: Unobtrusive Rain, Unobtrusive Water
- TheRandomGamerTRG: Making the information site and various tweaks
- Stridey: LowShield
- Vanilla Tweaks: Inspiration
- Ozzymand: Dark UI textures
- Firebase - Backend (API, Hosting, Storage)
- node.js - Used for the API
- Canvas - Combining images
- Archiver - Creating the ZIP file
- Hugo - Website framework
- Webpack - Bundler
- Bootstrap - CSS framework for the website
- jQuery - JavaScript Framework for the website
- Popper - Engine for description popups
- Font Awesome - Icons used on the website