L-Admin is a Laravel administration package that allows web developers to quickly create an admin panel for their website. The package includes features such as user management, access control management, task management, file management, email management, and many more. The package is designed to save time and effort in building an admin panel and allows developers to focus on building the core features of their web application.
Version | Laravel |
v1.0.x | 7.x |
v1.8.* | 8.x |
v2.* | 9.x |
v3.* | 10.x |
Follow the steps below to get started faster! Add the repository by running the command below.
composer require hexters/ladmin
Follow the installation to start build awesome apps.
php artisan ladmin:install --and=ladmin:setup
If you use Laravel Sail, please run composer dumpautoload before run migration and seed
sail composer dumpautoload
Run migrate and seed, to install ladmin database tables
php artisan migrate --seed
Installation is complete, please access http://localhost:8000/administrator
To change the ladmin style, you just need to run Vite
, before that you should install nodejs modules in Modules/Ladmin
folder. Follow this steps below.
// Install node modules
cd Modules/Ladmin && npm install
// Go back to directory root project and run vitejs
npm run dev
You can start changing javascript and css.
To call view
, language
, config
, and component
file, you need to add the prefix of module's name e.g blog
, see example below.
For component view, if you have component named \Modules\Blog\View\Components\Input
class, then the way to call it by running.
<x-blog-input />
Follow the documentation to view complete slots
and stacks
in layout component Documentation Layout
<x-slot name="title">Page Title</x-slot>
<!-- Follow guest layout for slots & stacks -->
Get modules & template collections in Ladmin Awesome
View complete Documentation here