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πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m Luna!

I like computers and programming, retro stuff, hoardering old programs to my Virutal Box Machine. Old minded but don't like new trends. I’m interested in retro stuff like old Windows OSes like XP and 2K, programs like old 3D programs etc and most of all making small but stupid programs.

πŸ’€πŸ‘Œ What You Do?

When great idea comes to my mind, I start to do something. Sometimes I stay busy with games, reading books or doing home stuff. I don't have social media active. I hope so, I'll do here to release some programs I made.

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  1. TheSparrowhawk1999 TheSparrowhawk1999 Public

    Config files for my GitHub profile.

  2. Just-Run-Doom-Modded Just-Run-Doom-Modded Public

    JRDM (Just Run Doom Modded) Launcher for Doom, Simple & Easy

    Visual Basic .NET