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The Project🎯

The goal of this project is to help building a digital system for an NGO in Spain that distributes food to people in delicate situations.

Currently they carry out their operations with physical forms and manual processes, which causes great inefficiencies in the process and failures at the time of distribution. The organization relies on collaborating entities to distribute food to beneficiaries. These entities are in charge of receiving the food, identifying the beneficiaries and distributing the corresponding meals. Our purpose is, on the one hand, to develop a web application for entities and beneficiaries. On the other hand, for the NGO the objective is to create a website where they can have a real time view of the operations.

There is a huge opportunity to improve the food access of many families in Spain and this could happen thanks to your contribution.

Getting started

Project setup

To initiate a local instance of the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo;
  2. Run npm install on the project root folder;
  3. Create a .env file based on the .env.example file;
  • To get the real data, and connect with the real remote server, get in touch with the project managers.
  • If the remote backend URLs are not specified, the project will try to connect with the local backend instance. But if the Firebase connection data is not specified, the frontend project will not run.
  1. Run npm run dev;
  2. Now, the project should be running. Open it by going to localhost:5173 on any browser.

Also, if a local backend server is needed, refer to the Fesbal Backend Repo


To contribute to the project, first read the document. It's also important to get in touch with the project managers to get the data to connect with Firebase and the remote backend server.


Please use eslint with the provided configuration. To get it working in VSCode:

  1. Install the ESLint extension extension (you can directly search for dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
  2. Configure VSCode to format on save. Add to your workspace VSCode settings (if the file doesn't exist then just create a new file .vscode/settings.json on the root directory of the project) the following:
    "eslint.validate": [
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll.eslint": true,


From now on we are using TailwindCSS for styling. There are some situations where SASS can be used but these are exceptions rather than the rule.

Some resources:

Work in progress 🚧


No description, website, or topics provided.


Code of conduct





No releases published


No packages published
