Solidb is a Dynamic .NET micro ORM with change tracking observable objects.
From Nuget.Org
PM> Install-Package Solidb
Solidbase is a List just like how List is used. you can take and create a new Solidbase list
Solidbase list = new Solidbase<User>();
Since in the background it's all build upon the IDbConnection interface we need to tell Solidb where to look and store stuff. so before we create the lists we need to create a strategy as seen below, where it resolves to a SqlConnection. Solidbase uses this to connect to the various databases, If a Solidbase Strategy is not set, it will default to a SQLite database.
Solidbase.Strategy = () => new SqlConnection("Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=NewSolidb;Trusted_Connection=True;");
setting "Random" as the table and then injecting a anonymous type, afterwards fetching the inserted object and changing it by adding a new property to the object as "newStuff".
Solidbase list = new Solidbase("Random");
list.Add(new { Id = list.NextId, content = "rainbow" });
var latest = list.Last();
latest.newStuff = "something else";
Or using a generic type argument
Solidbase list = new Solidbase<Product>();
list.Add(new { Id = list.NextId, Price = 1.0 });