Java CLI for adding translations from a CSV to JSON and XLIFF files.
LinguAdde is currently at version 1.0
The only requirement is Java SE Runtime Environment 8
or higher.
The latest release of this project can be found at releases or can be run from source.
Use java -jar LinguAdde-1.0.jar help
to see the usage information.
usage: java -jar LinguAdde-1.0.jar -c <file> [-d <delimiter>] -t <folder>
Add translations in data files
-c,--csv-file <file> CSV file with translationdata
-d,--delimiter <delimiter> CSV delimiter Default: ;
-t,--target <folder> Target translation files
Option | Long option | Argument | Required | Description |
c | csv-file | file | yes | CSV file with translationdata Important: This file has to be encoded in UTF-8 |
d | delimiter | char | no | CSV delimiter Default: ; |
t | target | folder | yes | Target translation files Important: The files in this folder have to be encoded in UTF-8 |
java -jar LinguAdde-1.0.jar -c translations.csv -t results
Christophe Theyssen