Monitor your GitHub Actions workflow runs! All you need is your PAT.
- Retrieve repositories by team membership
- Display last workflow run status for every repository/branch combination
- Filter displayed workflow runs by
- maximum age (default 14 days)
- team,
- status (e.g. queued, in progress, …) and
- conclusion (e.g. success, failure, …)
- workflow names (case-insensitive, substring)
- Polling for new
- repositories,
- branches,
- workflows and
- workflow runs
If you want to try actio on your machine run
docker run --rm --pull=always -p 8080:80
to always update automatically to the latest release or
docker run --rm -p 8080:80${MY_DESIRED_VERSION}
to stick to a specific release.
After that you can access actio via http://localhost:8080.
At minimum, the following scopes needs to be configured for your personal access token:
- repo
- read:org
If your organization is using SSO, you need to authorize your token.