☀️The purpose of this tool is to intergrate lots of awesome tools and creative ideas and build a recon and vulnerablity scanning pipeline, so you only need to press an enter, instead of siting on the chair waiting results from one tool and then input them to another. There are lots of bash scripts for this, but bash scripts is hard to scale and maintain.
This tool requires the newest python version3.9.6
, the tool will fail on 3.9.2
since there is a bug in 3.9.2
related to false positve in circular import detection https://bugs.python.org/issue43517 .
git clone https://github.com/ThoundsN/AllinOne.git
cd AllinOne
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
touch .env
And then you need to create an .env file with contents like this
root_data_dir=/root/docker-nginx-php-mysql/web/public/data # your data storage path
collaborator=https://collaborator.buzz/webhook.php # Collaborator for ssrf ping back
If you need to use the get parameter ssrf scanning feature, you need to set up a listening server, you can use
or you can set up a private burpcollaborator https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/collaborator/deploying
Finally, you can check whether all the depending third party software is executable on your machine
python3 allinone.py check
This checking script simply invoke command with -h or --help and check exit code, if you find there are some warnings about a command, you should manually check it.
Note: For debian , if there are errors about phantomjs
, you might want to check this https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=817277
python3 allinone.py --domain=example.com run
--verbose=stdout # doesn't filter stdout,stderr of invoked thirdparty
--verbose=log # stdout,stderr of invoked thirdparty > logfile
It's recommend to put the result folder after autoindex enabled nginx web directory , so it will be possible to view the result from a browser.
adding crawler
adding h2csmuggler