This project showcases a comprehensive solution for integrating with a News API, performing sentiment analysis on news articles, and visualizing real-time data through a dynamic Power BI dashboard. Leveraging Python, Pandas, and News API, this project combines the power of data transformation and analysis to provide actionable insights into news sentiment across various categories.
- Seamless integration with the News API to fetch real-time news data across diverse categories.
- Efficient handling of API responses using Python requests for data retrieval.
- Utilization of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to perform sentiment analysis on news headlines.
- Classification of news articles into positive and negative sentiments using the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from the NLTK library.
- Pandas is employed for data manipulation and transformation, creating a structured DataFrame for efficient analysis.
- Grouping and aggregating data to generate insightful summaries for different news categories and sentiment types.
- Dynamic integration with Power BI to create a real-time dashboard for visualizing sentiment trends.
- Pushing sentiment data to Power BI at regular intervals for up-to-the-minute insights.