Double Eleven
- UK
- linkedin.com/in/tomdotscott
SFML-Suika-Game Public
Mess around with SFML3.0 and Sharpmake to make Suika Game, the Japanese fruit matching game.
C++ UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 -
CPP-Celular-Automata-Tetris Public
Classic game of Tetris, with cellular automata acting as falling sand.
C++ UpdatedApr 15, 2024 -
Godot-Platformer Public
Creating a simple platformer in Godot to learn a little bit about how the engine works
C# UpdatedOct 17, 2023 -
SFML-Fighting-Game Public
A 2D Fighting Game built in SFML and C++ as a hobby project
C++ UpdatedSep 5, 2023 -
Unity-Procedural-Animation Public
An exploration into the implementation of procedural animation for bipedal, quadrupedal and multi-legged locomotion
C# UpdatedMay 1, 2023 -
Pi-Day-2023 Public
Using a Monte-Carlo method to visually estimate a value for Pi using a unit square, a unit circle and randomly placing points inside
C++ UpdatedMar 14, 2023 -
OpenGL-3D-Renderer Public
Creating a 3D Renderer in C++/OpenGL to get back into the swing of C++ and Graphics Programming
Android-Uber-strEATs Public
A fast food delivery game made in Android Studio for Android 8.1 for the Mobile Gaming Devices module at Teesside University
Java UpdatedDec 14, 2022 -
Unity-Multiplayer-Codeword Public
An attempt to make the puzzle Codeword into a 2-player co-op and versus game
Unity-2D-Grapple-Hook Public
Mess around in Unity 2D for a grappling hook mechanic
SFML-Tower-Defense Public
A Co-Op tower defense game made in C++ and SFML
SFML-Topdown-Billiards Public
Simple top-down billiards game made in SFML and C++
CPP-Top-Down-Racer Public
A simple 2D top-down racing game made in C++ and SFML with networking
A simple visualiser for the A* and Dijkstra Pathfinding algorithms
C++ UpdatedMay 21, 2021 -
Python-PI-Day-2021 Public
Estimating PI from random numbers for PI Day 2021
Python UpdatedMar 14, 2021 -
CPP-Chat-App Public
Simple chat application made in C++ with SFML network library
OpenFrameworks-Solitaire Public
Simple game of Solitaire made with OpenFrameworks
C++ UpdatedFeb 13, 2021 -
CPP-M4G Public
All of the knowledge needed for the Maths for Games module for the first years
C++ UpdatedFeb 9, 2021 -
An experiment into procedural generation to generate landmasses and landscapes using Perlin noise.
SFML-Pac-Man Public
Basic implementation of the PacMan arcade game in SFML with C++
Unity-AStar-Pathfinding-Demo Public
A little demo project to show a robot avoiding blockades in his path using the A* pathfinding algorithm
C# UpdatedJan 16, 2021 -
2D Game Engine and 4 demo projects built in C++ using the HAPI framework by Keith Ditchburn
SFML-Maze-Generator Public
A maze generation algorithm utilising Prim's algorithm
SFML-Heapsort-Visualisation Public
An implementation and visualisation of the heap sort algorithm using a priority queue. Written in C++ with the SFML graphics library