I am a Full Stack Developer with expertise in the MERN Stack, Next.js, and PostgreSQL, complemented by a passion for Machine Learning. I enjoy building scalable web applications, crafting intuitive user interfaces, and exploring cutting-edge AI technologies.
- 💼 Software Engineer at WorldTech, Dhaka.
- 🎓 Graduated with a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.
- 👨💻 Specializing in MERN Stack, Next.js, PostgreSQL, and Python.
- 🔬 Researching Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Multimodal Deep Learning.
- 🖥️ Proficient in Web Development, Database Management, and coding in TypeScript and Python.
- 🌱 Continuously learning NLP, Data Science, Deep Learning, and other advanced AI technologies.
- 💬 Happy to discuss projects, research, and career opportunities.
- 😄 Pronunciation: [tɒnˈmɔɪ təˈluːkdər] (Ton-moy Tal-luk-der)
Explore my YouTube playlist featuring tutorials and insights that I’ve personally developed:
- 🌟 How to visualize visitor statistics in React and Next Js websites?
RevolverMap visitor statistics solution for Next.js.
For all my articles, visit my Medium profile: medium.com/@tonmoytalukder
- 🌐 Portfolio: https://tonmoytalukder.github.io/ or tonmoytalukder.github.io/dev
- ✉️ Email: [email protected]
_Last updated on: 2025-02-19 11:26:03 UTC